
Javascript katas from

npm install javascript-katas@0.1.0-beta.1


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Did you mean ...?

I'm sure, you know Google's "Did you mean ...?", when you entered a search term and mistyped a word. In this kata we want to implement something similar.

You'll get an entered term (lowercase string) and an array of known words (also lowercase strings). Your task is to find out, which word from the dictionary is most similar to the entered one. The similarity is described by the minimum number of letters you have to add, remove or replace in order to get from the entered word to one of the dictionary. The lower the number of required changes, the higher the similarity between each two words.

Roman Numerals Helper

Create a RomanNumerals class that can convert a roman numeral to and from an integer value. It should follow the API demonstrated in the examples below. Multiple roman numeral values will be tested for each helper method.

Instant Runoff Voting

Your task is to implement a function that calculates an election winner from a list of voter selections using an Instant Runoff Voting algorithm.