Kyso Client

kyso, cli
npm install kyso@1.17.11


Kyso CLI


First you need node.js and npm - you can get these by install downloading and installing node (npm comes bundled with node).

npm install -g kyso

Then just type

kyso login

into your terminal.


Publish a Jupyter notebook

Go to your project directory containing your notebook(s) and type

kyso push

thats it!

You can select the name of the online notebook by using kyso create first.

Run Jupyter/python3/python2 without installing!

Kyso supports the kyso/jupyter docker image. This means that if you have docker installed (you can get it free here) you can run Jupyter notebooks, Jupyter dashboards, and python2 and python3 without installing them.

Just use the following commands:

  • kyso jupyter - Opens a Jupyter notebook

  • kyso dashboard - Starts the current dir as a Jupyter dashboard

  • kyso jupyter-http - Starts a notebook in http mode

  • kyso python - or kyso python3 Starts python3.5

  • kyso python2 - Starts python2.7

  • kyso node - Starts node.js

  • kyso bash - Starts bash inside the container

  • kyso docker - run Starts the default docker command

See more info about extending, and building your own image in the kyso/jupyter repo.


git clone
cd kyso-cli

Run npm run link then you can access the kyso command.