❄️ Let It Go
Let your website snow instantly, zero dependencies, small & fast
✨ Installation
npm i let-it-go
🚀 Usage
import { LetItGo } from "let-it-go";
// just snow!
const snow = new LetItGo();
// create snow with some options
const snow = new LetItGo({
// root container, defaults to `document.body`
root: document.getElementById("root"),
// number of snowflake, defaults to `window.innerWidth`
number: 1000,
// velocity x range of snowflake, defaults to `[-3, 3]`
velocityXRange: [-3, 3],
// velocity y range of snowflake, defaults to `[1, 5]`
velocityYRange: [1, 5],
// radius range of snowflake, defaults to `[0.5, 1]`
radiusRange: [0.5, 1],
// color of snowflake color, defaults to `#ffffff`
color: "#ffffff",
// opacity range of snowflake, defaults to `[0.8, 1]`
alphaRange: [0.8, 1],
// background color of `canvas` element, defaults to `transparent`
backgroundColor: "transparent",
// style prop of `canvas` element, defaults to `{ zIndex: -1, pointerEvents: 'none' }`
style: { zIndex: -999, pointerEvents: "none" },
// you can use static prop `DEFAULT_OPTIONS` to get all the default options
const allTheDefaultOptions = LetItGo.DEFAULT_OPTIONS;
Dynamic get/set instance options
/** the number of snowflake */
const snowflakeNumber = snow.number;
// you can directly update instance prop and it will reflect those change limitedly
snow.number = 5566;
snow.color: "#333333"
snow.velocityXRange = [-10, 50]; // must be tuple `[number, number]`
Some other methods
// just stop animation
// and snow again!
// stop animation & remove mounted `canvas` element