
Minifier for js css

minify, js, css
npm install lilliput@0.1.0



Scale icon Cut down on your code and gain back those precious octets.

Maybe you were looking for uglify ? Uglify is a powerful, and really complete library for npm with dependencies, 59 contributors and something like 6 millions download a month.

This is not it. Lilliput is a really lightweight functionnal script that take your files and * "minify" * them.

You may clone or unzip this project into your own, or use npm install lilliput.


lilliput: same as

lilliput -A, --all : take and compress every file in your directory and subdirectories into one, named all.min.css

-S, --separate : every file in your directory and subdirectories is minified, but retain its name as file_name.min.css

-d, --delete : remove the file(s) used to create the mini version from your directory.

-D, --delete-all : remove all files used to create the mini version from your directory. (Be careful !)

-O, --output [name] : specify the name of your output file as new_name.min.css. Implies --all if you do not supply file names as optional arguments. Is irrelevant with --separate. However, you can use as many --output or --delete as you provide filenames.

For example :

$> lilliput -A
    > [x] created all.min.css
$> lilliput file1.css  file2.css -d file3.css file4.css -O adhoc
    > [x] created adhoc.min.css
    > [x] removed file2.css
    > [x] file5.css, file6.css, tintin.css were ignored.