
CSUN-branded Bootstrap 4 theme

bootstrap, themes, css, html, javascrpt
npm install metaphor-theme@2.0.5


Metaphor V2

This is a custom Bootstrap 4 theme with CSUN branding.

What this project does

This repository includes a project structure with a build script that builds a custom CSS version of Bootstrap 4, using Gulp. You can clone this repository, run the Gulp task and go right into modifying variables and adding styles. There's also an HTML file that contains a neatly organized collection of Bootstrap components that fit a 1920x1080 display, so you can instantly see the outcome. There is also ALL of the bootstrap documentation included in the /docs directory. As you make changes to bootstrap default styles, you can see the changes take affect on various pages in the docs.


  • This works on Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Node Package Manager and Gulp are required. Make sure you can run gulp -v and npm -v.
  • You can get Node at, then install gulp using npm install gulp-cli -g

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run gulp watch
  4. Look at index.html (ideally with a local development webserver)