JSON serialization to schema-less MySQL. myObject lets you store, load, and search hierarchical data, represented by JSON objects, in a MySQL table. Conceptually, you can consider the data stored in myObject as one, gigantic, JSON object.

npm install my-object@0.0.6



JSON serialization to schema-less MySQL

myObject lets you store, load, and search hierarchical data, represented by JSON objects, in a MySQL table. Conceptually, you can consider the data stored in myObject as one, gigantic, JSON object.

myObject is not an ORM tool: it stores a hierarchical representation of JSON objects

myObject doesn't map your data to a specific table structure (schema). Instead, each key/value is stored along with a reference to its parent, allowing any structure to be stored and recreated, and allowing somewhat efficient searches across the key/value pairs. The project is used by us with Node.js and can be installed with npm install my-object, but the schema and stored procedures may prove useful to any language or environment that can use MySQL.

Quick Examples

myo.store('britons.peasant', { name: 'Dennis', old: false, age: 37 }, function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;
}); // store

myo.load('britons.peasant', function(err, obj) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(obj.name); // Dennis
    console.log(obj.old); // false
    console.log(obj.age); // 37
}); // load

myo.load('britons.peasant.age', function(err, obj) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(obj); // 37
}); // load

myo.search('name', 'Dennis', function(err, matchingKeys) {
    if (err) throw err;
    // matchingKeys is an array of matching fully qualified key paths
    console.log(matchingKeys[0]); // britons.peasant.name
}); // search

That's just about it! store will store the JSON representation (e.g.: no functions and undefined values aren't recorded), and load will retrieve it, or any key in the hierarchy. All keys can be searched, but presently only strings and numbers will be matched (NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, true, and false values maybe in a future update?).


The source is on GitHub. Alternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager (npm):

npm install my-object

Setup MySQL

You'll need to create the table and the stored procedures in you MySQL database before you can do anything else. Running the script schema.sql will create the table, stored procedures, as well as the root object.

WARNING! The first line of this file is drop table if exists okeys; this will *destroy** any prior data* or anything else that was in that table.



When you require my-object, it returns function that, when called with database connection info, returns an object with the rest of the functions closed over a connection pool. In other words, you have to initialize the require call with the connection info.


The supportBigNumbers option is required, and will be set true regardless of what you pass in.

  • The following values are set by default (and were optimal in my use case) but may be overridden:
    • connectionLimit: 60
    • connectTimeout: 60000
    • acquireTimeout: 60000


var myo = require('my-object')({
        host: env('TEST_HOST'),
        user: env('TEST_USER'),
        password: env('TEST_PASSWORD'),
        database: env('TEST_DATABASE'),
        port: process.env['TEST_PORT'] || 3306,
    }); // myo

store(key, value, callback)

Store the value, and all child objects, in the database at the given key location.


  • key - The fully qualified path of where to store the value.
  • value - The value, which can be any valid JSON datatype (string, number, boolean, etc.), to store.
  • callback(err) - A required function that is called when the store completes. If an error has occured err will be truthy and contain details. If err is falsey you can assume success.


myo.store('britons.peasant', { name: 'Dennis', old: false, age: 37 }, function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;
}); // store

load(key, callback)

Loads object specified by the given key from the database, including all child objects.


  • key - The fully qualified path of where to begin contstructing the object
  • callback(err, obj) - A required function that is called when the load completes. If an error has occured err will be truthy and contain details. If err is falsey you can assume success. obj will be the complete object stored at the key or undefined if there was no object at that location.


// this key specifies an object, so the object, and all its properties, will be returned

myo.load('britons.peasant', function(err, obj) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(obj.name); // Dennis
    console.log(obj.old); // false
    console.log(obj.age); // 37
}); // load
// this key specifies a single value, so only that value is returned

myo.load('britons.peasant.age', function(err, obj) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log(obj); // 37
}); // load

search(name, value, callback)

Searches the database for all objects with properties named name that equal the value. The callback will will contain an array of fully qualified keys of matching objects.


  • name - The non-qualified property name to test.
  • value - The value to match against. Presently, this must be either a string or numeric number (i.e.: not NaN, Infinity, or -Infinity).
  • callback(err, matchingKeys) - A required function that is called when the search completes. If an error has occured err will be truthy and contain details. If err is falsey you can assume success. matchingKeys is an array containing the fully qualified key names of all objects that had a matching property. Construct your object property names accordingly.


myo.search('name', 'Dennis', function(err, matchingKeys) {
    if (err) throw err;
    // matchingKeys is an array of matching fully qualified key paths
    console.log(matchingKeys[0]); // britons.peasant.name
}); // search


Ends the underlying connection pool to MySQL, closing all connections. Used mainly for testing so Node will close.


  • callback(err) - An optional function that is called when the pool has closed all connections. If an error has occured err will be truthy and contain details. If err is falsey you can assume success.


myo.end(function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('myObject connection pool closed');
}); // search