
Rest api for communication with WhatsApp

n8n, node, no-code, n8n-nodes-codechat, n8n-community-nodes-codechat, n8n-community-node-codechat, n8n-community-node-package, chat, communication, message, send message, whatsapp, js-whatsapp, whatsapp-api, whatsapp-web, whatsapp-chat, whatsapp-group, automation, multi-device, bot, n8n-nodes, whatsapp-bot
npm install n8n-nodes-codechat@0.1.4


Telegram Whatsapp n8n-node-codechat License n8n npm npm


This is a N8n community node. It allows you to use CodeChat Api to communicate with WhatsApp in your workflow.

You can use most features provided by CodeChat. Like sending messages, creating and manipulating groups and managing chats.


  1. Go to Settings > Community Nodes, and Click Install a community node. Community nodes

  2. Enter n8n-nodes-codechat in the npm Package Name field. And click Install. Package Name

Once installed, you can use the search bar to add the CodeChat node to your workflow. codechat_search_bar

Resource Send Message


Node configuration is quite simple, just specify the credentials and use the available resources and operations.


All operations require a credential which is composed of the Api Key, Instance Name and the call Base Url. Which will be made available at the time of contracting the service. Credentials Codechat


This section describes which CodeChat API operations are available on this node.

Resource Send Message

Operation Method Credentials required
Send Text POST True
Send Buttons POST True
Send Template POST True
Send Media POST True
Send Media Base64 POST True
send Link Preview POST True
Send Contact POST True
Send List POST True
Send WhatsApp Audio POST True

All operations return a queue for tracking the shipment that can be monitored through the webhook.

  "header": {
    "queueId": "20aa6e5f-4545-4f90-b712-9a176c9509da",
    "status": "PROCESSING",
    "progress": 0
  "data": {
    "jids": [

Resource Group

Operation Method Credentials required Description
Accept Invite PUT True Accept incoming group invite
Change Expiration PUT True Sets the expiration of group messages
Create Group POST True
Fetch Participants GET True
Group Metadata GET True Retrieve all information about the group and its participants
Invite Code GET True Generates the created group invitation
Revoke Invite PUT True
Update Info PUT True Update the group's subject or description
Update Participants PUT True
Update Profile Picture PUT True
Update Settings PUT True Update group chat and group handling rules

Resource Chat

Operation Method Credentials required Description
Block Contact PUT True
Business Profile GET True Retrieve business contact information
Mark Message As Read PUT True
Delete Message DELETE True Delete for me or everyone
On WhatsApp POST True Check if the contact is on WhatsApp
Profile Picture Url GET True Retrieve a contact's profile picture
Update Presence PUT True compising - recording - available - pause
Update Status PUT True


Tested on n8n version 0.198.2 and CodeChat version 2.0.0
