
use either the native Promise or Bluebird

bluebird, promise, promises
npm install native-or-bluebird@1.0.0



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As Node 0.10 becomes outdated and iojs has been merged into Node.js, this module is now relevant to only a few platforms. Thus, this module is considered obsolete.

Use either bluebird or the native Promise implementation. If no implementation is found, an error will be thrown:

var Promise = require('native-or-bluebird');

The goal of this library is to be able to eventually remove this line from your code and use native Promises, allowing you to to write future-compatible code with ease. You should install bluebird in your libraries for maximum compatibility.

If you do not want an error to be thrown, require() the Promise implementation directly. If no implementation is found, undefined will be returned.

var Promise = require('native-or-bluebird/promise');
if (Promise) // do stuff with promises