Javascript's God Mode. No VM. No Bytecode. No GC. Just native binaries.

nectar, nectarjs, nectar-lang, javascript, js, god mode, compilation, crossplatform, simple, speed, io, iot, socket, android, linux, windows, arduino, raspberry, stm32, nucleo, express, uwebsocket, http, https, bytcode, wasm, arm, arm64, msbuild, cl, webserver, webview, typescript, ts, tsc, nodejs
npm install nectarjs@0.7.108


Javascript's God Mode : one language to rule them all. Code everything, everywhere, for everything, in JavaScript.

Any questions or ideas, join us : NectarJS' Discord Trello

Metrics Uptime


Full documentation is here : NetcarJS Doc


npm install -g nectarjs

To reinstall, use nectar --install

Basic bytecode compilation

The simplest way to use NectarJS is :

nectar -c bc file.js

The output file name will be automatically choosen regarding the target. You can specify another output with -o something.out

You can run any JS or BIN file like this :

nectar file.[js|bin]

For more informations about compilation output, use --verbose

For help, use --help

Using C/GCC

  • You need to have GCC installed on your machine and registered in your path.
nectar -c c file.js

You can select a preset (speed or size):

nectar -c bc file.js --preset size

You can also run the compiled executable just after compilation using --run:

nectar -c bc file.js --run

You can enable the quiet mode with --quiet:

nectar -c bc file.js --quiet

Available targets (DEPRECATED)

  • wasm -> WebAssembly

  • asm-js -> ASM.js

  • wast -> WebAssembly AST

  • mac-osx -> Mac OSX

  • linux-x86-32 -> Linux x86 32 bits

  • linux-x86-64 -> Linux x86 64 bits

  • linux-arm32v7 -> Linux arm 32 v7 bits, compatible with Android and Raspberry

  • win-x86-32 -> Windows x86 32 bits

  • win-x86-64 -> Windows x86 64 bits

  • arduino-uno -> Arduino UNO

  • arduino-mega1280 -> Arduino Mega with Atmega 1280

  • arduino-mega2560 -> Arduino Mega with Atmega 2560

  • nucleo-l152re -> STM32 Nucleo L152RE

  • nucleo-l432kc -> STM32 Nucleo L432KC


  • QuickJS - Fabrice Bellard and Charlie Gordon
  • uWebSockets - Alex Hultman