*Net Tree* is an algorithm which turns an array of items with expressed dependencies to a stream of items with expressed tree structure.

npm install net-tree@8.0.0


Net Tree

Net Tree is an algorithm which turns an array of items with expressed dependencies to a stream of items with expressed tree structure.


  • item is an item being processed or the resulting item depending on context
  • super item is an item which has identifier matching one of another item's superIds, it is a super to it (this dictates nesting)
  • prior item is an item which has identifier matching one of another item's priorIds, is is a prior to it (this dictates ordering)
  • hyper item is an item which is a given item but for another super in the item's path, it is a hyper to it (this dictates flashing)

recurse(items, ownerIds)

  • items is an array of items which is never mutated by recurse
    • id is unique item identifier, most commonly a number of a string
    • superIds is an array of identifiers of super items
    • priorIds is a map describing from which super of its superIds has item which prior item (dependency for ordering)
    • state is either expanded (the item should be expanded), collapsed (the item should be collapsed), or undefined
    • data is any value with the item data
  • ownerIds is a map describing for which super of its superIds is item expanded (one at a time)

The return value is a stream of items with these fields:

  • item is the item passed in from items
  • level is the nesting level in the tree, starting at a 0 for root items
  • state is an expansion state from enumeration of:
    • expandable-explicitly-expanded means the item had a state of expanded and its current super matches its owner
    • expandable-implicitly-expanded means the item had a state of undefined and appeared first on prior order (expand by default)
    • expandable-explicitly-collapsed means the item had a state of collapsed or its current super doesn't match its owner
    • expandable-implicitly-expanded means the item had a state of undefined and didn't appear first on prior order
    • unexpandable means the item has no subitems
  • superId is an effective super of the item (from item's superIds)



NPM package


Live demo

yarn start


  • Update CHANGELOG.md and package.json's version
  • npm publish


For stuff to do, see doc/tasks.