An Angular charting library powered by D3

d3, angular, chart, angular2, angular4, d3js, d3v4
npm install ngz-charts@1.0.2



A simple angular 4+ charting library powered by d3!

Build Status


About the Project

ngz-charts is an Angular 2/4+ charting library powered by Mike Bostock's D3. The hope is that Angular developers who want high quality yet simple charts can worry about the data and not the implementation of the chart to present the data.

Status of Project

Currently ngz-charts is in alpha and thus will be a work in progress. For the 1.0.0 release a handful of components will be readily available and contributions are welcome.

Live Demo

You can play with a demo here

Status of Components

Component Status Release
Bar Chart WIP 1.0.0
Histogram Not Started TBD
Horizontal Bar Chart Not Started 1.0.0
Stacked Bar Chart Not Started TBD
Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart Not Started TBD
Scatter Plot WIP 1.0.0
Pie Chart Not Started TBD
Line Chart Not Started TBD
Time Line Not Started 1.0.0

The Components

Bar Chart

To use the bar chart component, simply import the BarchartModule into your app.module.ts file.

The component requires the user to property bind the following:

[data] - array of objects.
[x] - key of object to plot on x axis.
[y] - key of object to plot on y axis.

Additionally users can change the following properties:

[width] - width of the chart in px
[height] - height of the chart in px
[margins] - an object representing padding with css margin properties (top,right,etc)

Horizontal Bar Chart

To use the horizontal bar chart component, simply import the HorizontalBarChartModule into your app.module.ts file.

The component requires the user to property bind the following:

[data] - array of objects.
[x] - key of object to plot on x axis.
[y] - key of object to plot on y axis.

Additionally users can change the following properties:

[width] - width of the chart in px
[height] - height of the chart in px
[margins] - an object representing padding with css margin properties (top,right,etc)

Scatter Plot

To use the scatter plot component, simply import the ScatterplotModule into your app.module.ts file.

The component requires the user to property bind the following:

[data] - array of objects.
[x] - key of object to plot on x axis.
[y] - key of object to plot on y axis.
[dotShape] - shape to represent datum (circle)

Additionally users can change the following properties:

[width] - width of the chart in px.
[height] - height of the chart in px.
[margins] - an object representing padding with css margin properties.
[dotSize] - size of data point.


To use the time line component, import TimelineModule into your app.module.ts file.

The component requires the user to property bind the following:

[data] - this is an array of objects with at least one property of date type.
[dateLabel] - this is the key that points to a date to plot on time line.
[dateEvent] - this is the key that provides the event name on that date.

Additionally users can change the following:

[width] - width of the chart in px
[height] - height of the chart in px
[margins] - an object representing the padding using css margin properties.


If you would like to contribute, please adhere to the following rules.

  1. Show respect and courtesy to everyone.
  2. For every Pull Request (PR) please link to corresponding git issue and assign to proper reviewer.
  3. Code must follow the Google Angular Coding Standards.
  4. Code Reviews will happen with each PR between the author and the reviewer.

Feature Request and Support

For features and support please file a git issue

Browser Support

Currently ngz-charts supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari.