
A Node-RED widget to show a popup contextmenu in a Node-RED dashboard

node-red, context menu, menu, dashboard, interactive
npm install node-red-contrib-ui-contextmenu@1.0.13



A Node-RED node to display a popup contextmenu in the Node-RED dashboard

Special thanks to Stephen McLaughlin, my partner in crime for this node!


Run the following npm command in your Node-RED user directory (typically ~/.node-red):

npm install node-red-contrib-ui-contextmenu

It is advised to use Dashboard version 2.19.4 or above, to make sure the contextmenu doesn't appear automatically after deploy or refresh.

Node usage

Although this node can display a context menu on top of any other dashboard widget, in fact we implemented this node to be used in combination with our node-red-contrib-ui-svg node.

Therefore the demo will explain how both nodes can be combined to show a context menu on top of a vector graphics drawing in the Node-RED dashboard:

svg flow

  1. The SVG node display a vector graphics drawing in the Node-RED dashboard, including a clickable light-bulb icon.
  2. As soon as the user clicks the light-bulb icon, the SVG node will send an output message (incl. msg.position which contains the X/Y position of the mouse click)!
  3. The message enters the contextmenu-node and will trigger a contextmenu popup displayed at the location specified in msg.position. Remark: it would make more sense to determine the list of context menu items, based on the msg.topic which contains the information about which SVG element has been clicked).
  4. As soon as the user clicks on one of the menu items, the contextmenu-node will send an output message (containing information about the clicked menu item).
  5. The next nodes in the flow can handle the clicked menu item ...
! CAUTION: The context menu will only appear when the dashboard group (see config screen) is currently visible !

A short demo to demonstrate the result:


Node properties

Font size

The font size of the menu items


Specify how the position of the context menu on the screen will be specified:

  • Message Based: The input message must contain a msg.position.x and a msg.position.y field, which allows dynamic positions.

  • Fixed: Two input fields will be displayed (X Coordinate and Y Coordinate), to enter the fixed coordinates.

Output To

Specify where the payload output from clicking a menu item should appear in the msg. NOTE: for a msg based menu, this can be set per menu item via the property outputField (see Message Based example below)


Specify how the menu items of the context menu will be specified:

  • Message Based: when selected, the input message must contain a field which holds the array of menu items.

    An example input message:

    "menu": [
                     "text": "Options",
                     "icon": "fa-list",
                     "sub": [
                             "text": "Edit",
                             "icon": "fa-edit",
                             "topic": "edit",
                             "payload": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
                             "payloadType": "JSON",
                             "outputField" : "editArray"
                             "text": "Cut",
                             "icon": "fa-cut",
                             "enabled": true,
                             "topic": "cut",
                             "payload": "true",
                             "payloadType": "bool"
                     "text": "---"
                     "text": "Delete",
                     "icon": "fa-trash",
                     "enabled": true,
                     "payload": "12",
                     "payloadType": "num"
                     "text": "---"
                     "text": "Quit",
                     "icon": "fa-times",
                     "enabled": false

    Example flow with nested sub-menu:

    nested menu flow

    [{"id":"fd05877e.cb0588","type":"ui_svg_graphics","z":"60ad596.8120ba8","group":"9f5b4cff.15cd3","order":1,"width":"14","height":"10","svgString":"<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" preserveAspectRatio=\"none\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" viewBox=\"0 0 900 710\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">\n  <rect id=\"svgEditorBackground\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" width=\"900\" height=\"710\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:none;\" />\n  <image width=\"889\" height=\"703\" id=\"background\" xlink:href=\"\" />\n  <circle id=\"mycircle\" cx=\"182.901\" cy=\"91.4841\" style=\"fill:rosybrown;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;\" r=\"48\" /></svg>","clickableShapes":[{"targetId":"#mycircle","action":"click","payload":"camera_living","payloadType":"str","topic":"camera_living"}],"smilAnimations":[],"bindings":[{"selector":"#banner","bindSource":"payload.title","bindType":"text","attribute":""},{"selector":"#camera_living","bindSource":"payload.position.x","bindType":"attr","attribute":"x"},{"selector":"#camera_living","bindSource":"","bindType":"attr","attribute":"fill"}],"showCoordinates":false,"autoFormatAfterEdit":false,"outputField":"","editorUrl":"","directory":"","name":"","x":920,"y":120,"wires":[["a4c84c93.c001d"]]},{"id":"c65edd5a.1c031","type":"ui_context_menu","z":"60ad596.8120ba8","group":"9f5b4cff.15cd3","order":5,"width":0,"height":-1,"fontSize":16,"position":"msg","outputField":"payload","xCoordinate":50,"yCoordinate":50,"menu":"msg","menuItems":[],"colors":"native","textColor":"#000000","backgroundColor":"#ffffff","borderColor":"#626262","name":"","x":1360,"y":120,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"a4c84c93.c001d","type":"change","z":"60ad596.8120ba8","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"menu","pt":"msg","to":"[{\"text\":\"Options\",\"icon\":\"fa-list\",\"sub\":[{\"text\":\"Edit\",\"icon\":\"fa-edit\",\"topic\":\"edit\",\"payload\":[1,2,3,4,5],\"payloadType\":\"JSON\",\"outputField\":\"editArray\"},{\"text\":\"Cut\",\"icon\":\"fa-cut\",\"enabled\":true,\"topic\":\"cut\",\"payload\":\"true\",\"payloadType\":\"bool\"}]},{\"text\":\"---\"},{\"text\":\"Delete\",\"icon\":\"fa-trash\",\"enabled\":true,\"payload\":\"12\",\"payloadType\":\"num\"},{\"text\":\"---\"},{\"text\":\"Quit\",\"icon\":\"fa-times\",\"enabled\":false}]","tot":"json"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":1140,"y":120,"wires":[["c65edd5a.1c031"]]},{"id":"9f5b4cff.15cd3","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Floorplan test","tab":"dabfe25b.13bc1","disp":true,"width":"14","collapse":false},{"id":"dabfe25b.13bc1","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"SVG","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]
    • Nested menus are possible when the menu is supplied by
    • text: The label that will be displayed in the context menu. NOTE: To create a separator, use "---" as the text value (all other fields can be left blank).
    • icon: (optional) The FontAwesome icon that will be displayed in the context menu.
    • sub: (optional) An array of sub menu items
    • topic: (optional) The msg.topic that will be send in the output message. If left empty, topic will default the the path of this menu item.
    • payload: The msg.payload that will be send in the output message. If left empty, message will default the the text of this menu item.
    • payloadType: The type of msg.payload. Allowable types are 'JSON', 'str', 'bool', 'num'. payload will be converted to this type.
    • outputField: (optional) It is possible to override the "Output to" field. This property will permit the payload to be send to an alternative property of msg
    • ** text is the only** mandatory field.
  • Fixed: A table will be displayed, to enter the menu items. The following properties can be set for every menu item:

    • ID: The id of the menu item (which won't be displayed).
    • Label: The label that will be displayed in the context menu. Set the Label to "---" to create a seperator (all other fields can be left blank).
    • Icon: The FontAwesome icon that will be displayed in the context menu.
    • Topic: The msg.topic that will be send in the output message.
    • Payload: The msg.payload that will be send in the output message. NOTE: if the "Output to" field is set to something other than "payload", then the output will appear in that property of msg

The message-based approach has the advantage that it offers nested menu items, which is currently not available in the config screen!

The label an icon are both optional. This means you can use both or only one of them, to achieve various effects.

Auto hide

  • When this value is 0 the context menu will stay visible, until a menu item is selected or outside the menu is being clicked.
  • When this value is e.g. 3 seconds this means that the context menu will automatically disappear when the context menu is out of focus during at least 3 seconds.
    • So as long as the mouse cursors is on top of the menu, the user has time to think about which action he wants to perform.
    • As soon as the mouse cursor leaves the context menu, the timer will start counting.
    • But when the mouse cursor enters the context menu again, the timer will be reset. This way the users has again extra time to think about the action he wants to perform.
    • When the mouse cursor is away from the context menu for the specified time interval, the context menu will automatically be hidden.

Demo of auto hide in 3 seconds (notice the timer status in the console):



Specify how the colors of the context menu should look like:

  • Native: The default CSS colors of this node will be used.

  • Match dashboard theme: The colors of the currently selected dashboard theme will be used.

  • Custom: Three color pickers will be displayed, which allow you to specify your custom colors.

    Custom colors

Demo for the dashboard's built-in dark theme (menu1=custom, menu2=theme, menu2=native):


Demo for the dashboard's built-in light theme (menu1=custom, menu2=theme, menu2=native):


Output message

As soon as a menu item has been clicked, an output message will be send. It is up to the next nodes in the flow, to determine how the menu item should be handled.

The output message will contain following fields:

  • payload: This will contain the payload value that has been specified in the menu item, or by default a string containing the key of clicked item. NOTE: if the "Output to" field is set to something other than "payload", then the output will appear in that property of msg. This can also be overriden per menu item by setting outputField in the menu item
  • topic: This will contain the topic value that has been specified in the menu item, or by default a string containing the path of menu clicked item.
  • sourceMsg: This will contain original input message, that has triggered the contextmenu to be displayed.

Thanks to

dsaul whose menu this node is based on