
Advanced, database agnostic ODM

mvc, model, orm, odm, database, datasource, mongodb
npm install nodee-model@1.2.8


MIT License Build Status

Advanced, database agnostic ODM

Sometimes your application is not a simple to-do list and you need to write complex business logic. Rather than strictly predefined CRUD methods and hooks, nodee-model is a set of tools which you can use to write your own logic, data sources and reusable behaviours.

  • Scheme (inheritable, with nested models)
  • Validations (extendable validations and sanitizers)
  • Defaults (inheritable default settings)
  • Methods (inheritable instance and constructor methods)
  • Queries (inheritable, extendable and cacheable query builder methods)
  • Hooks (inheritable and extendable)
  • Relations with integrity maintaining hooks
  • Data sources with optimistic locks (Memory, Json file, Mongo, Rest, Elastic search)
  • Caching (synchronize workers' cache across nodejs cluster)
  • Behaviours (Orderable, Tree)


npm install nodee-model


var Model = require('nodee-model');

 * create employee model, which:
 * 1. is stored in mongo database
 * 2. is in tree structure
 * 3. is orderable
 * 4. can handle process of changing job - it is not just a simple update,
 * it has to be confirmed by HR department
var Employee = Model.define('Employee', [ 'MongoDataSource', 'Orderable', 'Tree' ], {
    name:{ isString:true },
    surname:{ isString:true },
    salary:{ isNumber:true, round:2 },
    job:{ isIn:[ 'project_manager', 'sales', 'support'] },
    jobConfirmed:{ isBool:true },
    // address as submodel
    address: { model: Model('Address') },
    // or array of submodels
    addresses: { arrayOf: Model('Address') }

// define connection details by extending inherited defaults
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 27017,

// now, add hookable method
Employee.prototype.changeJob = Employee.wrapHooks('changeJob', function(newJob, cb){
    var employee = this;
    employee.job = newJob;
    employee.jobConfirmed = false;

// register "beforeChangeJob" listener
Employee.on('beforeChangeJob', function(next){
    // notify HR department

// init model, this will ensure indexes or do some work to init datastore

// now we can get employee and change his job
Employee.collection().find({ name:'Chuck', surname:'Norris' }).one(function(err, employee){
    employee.changeJob('super_agent', function(err){
        // job changed, and HR department was notified
        // (but I am sure they can't change Chuck's job - nobody can :)

// if you need to define a new type of employee, just inherit it from Employee.
// It will inherit all methods including registered events like "beforeJobChange".
var SuperEmployee = Model.define('SuperEmployee', ['Employee']);