#### api documentation for gulp-ruby-sass (v2.1.1) [![npm package](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/npmdoc-gulp-ruby-sass.svg?style=flat-square)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-gulp-ruby-sass) [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-ci.org/n
);'''### sass.logError(err)Convenience function for pretty error logging.### sass.clearCache([tempDir])In rare cases you may need to clear gulp-ruby-sass's cache. This sync functiondeletes all files used for Sass caching. If you've set a custom temporary directory in your task you must pass it to 'clearCache'.## IssuesThis plugin wraps the Sass gem for the gulp build system. It does not alter Sass's output in any way. Any issues with Sass output
should be reported to the [Sass issue tracker](https://github.com/sass/sass/issues).
loadPath: [ 'library', '../../shared-components' ]
.on('error', sass.logError)
);'''### sass.logError(err)Convenience function for pretty error logging.### sass.clearCache([tempDir])In rare cases you may need to clear gulp-ruby-sass's cache. This sync functiondeletes all files used for Sass caching. If you've set a custom temporary directory in your task you must pass it to 'clearCache'....
stdout=function (stream, intermediateDir, data) {
// Bundler error: no Sass version foundif (/bundler: command not found: sass/.test(data)) {
emitErr(stream, 'bundler: command not found: sass');
// Bundler error: Gemfile not foundelseif (/Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle\/ directory/.test(data)) {
emitErr(stream, 'bundler: could not locate Gemfile or .bundle directory');
// Sass error: directory missingelseif (/No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen/.test(data)) {
emitErr(stream, data.trim());
// Not an error: Sass loggingelse {
data =logger.prettifyDirectoryLogging(data, intermediateDir);
data =data.trim();
var matches = [];
var bases = [];
sources.forEach(function (source) {
bases.push(options.base || utils.calculateBase(source));
// log and return stream if there are no file matches
if (matches[0].length < 1) {
gutil.log('No files matched your Sass source.');
stream.push(null);return stream;
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