Objectum Enterprise Edition - Javascript app platform

objectum, orm, javascript, platform
npm install objectum-ee@3.8.42


Objectum Enterprise Edition - javascript app platform


Русская версия

Objectum platform makes it easy to create realtime single page applications that run in both Node.js and browsers.
Objectum includes a powerful user interface constructor called Visual Objectum that creates grids, tree grids, forms, etc. Automatically generates source code for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functions.

Learn by Example project "To-Do list"

Complete project https://github.com/objectum/todo

## Initialization

Create directories:

mkdir /opt/objectum/node
mkdir /opt/objectum/projects
mkdir /opt/objectum/projects/todo
mkdir /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin


cd /opt/objectum/node
npm install objectum-ee

You must have installed PostgreSQL 9.x (datestyle = dmy)

Add project configuration (postgres password: 12345):

cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo/config.json
	"rootDir": "/opt/objectum/projects/todo",
	"adminPassword": "D033E22AE348AEB5660FC2140AEC35850C4DA997",
	"database": "postgres",
	"host": "localhost",
	"port": 5432,
	"db": "todo",
	"dbUser": "todo",
	"dbPassword": "1",
	"dbaUser": "postgres",
	"dbaPassword": "12345",
	"dbEngine": {
		"enabled": 1
	"visualObjectum": {
		"menuConstructor": 1,
		"accessConstructor": 1,
		"projectConstructor": 1

Add platform configuration:

cat > /opt/objectum/node/config.js
module.exports = {
	"rootDir": "/opt/objectum/node",
	"projectsDir": "/opt/objectum/projects",
	"port": 8100,
	"storages": {
		"todo": require ("/opt/objectum/projects/todo/config.json")

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/node/objectum.js
var objectum = require ("objectum-ee");
var config = require ("./config");
module.exports = new objectum.Objectum (config);

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/node/index.js
var objectum = require ("objectum-ee");
objectum.start (require ("./config"));

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin/init.js
var $o = require ("/opt/objectum/node/objectum");
$o.db.execute ({
	code: "todo",
	fn: "init",
	name: "To-Do list",
	locale: "en" // en, ru

Init project folder:

cd /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin
node init.js

Prepare tablespace folder:

mkdir /opt/objectum/projects/todo/db
chown postgres:postgres /opt/objectum/projects/todo/db

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin/create.js
var $o = require ("/opt/objectum/node/objectum");
$o.db.execute ({
	code: "todo",
	fn: "create",
	path: "/opt/objectum/projects/todo/db"

Create storage:

cd /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin
node create.js

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin/import.js
var $o = require ("/opt/objectum/node/objectum");
$o.db.execute ({
	code: "todo",
	fn: "import",
	file: "/opt/objectum/projects/todo/schema/schema-app.js" // parent storage

Import storage structure:

cd /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin
node import.js

Start platform:

cd /opt/objectum/node
node index.js:

Start platform with forever:

forever start -a -l /opt/objectum/node/objectum.log -o /dev/null -e /opt/objectum/node/objectum-error.log --sourceDir /opt/objectum/node index.js

Stop platform with forever:

forever stop index.js

Open URL: http://localhost:8100/projects/todo/ Login: admin
Password: admin

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin/remove.js
var $o = require ("/opt/objectum/node/objectum");
$o.db.execute ({
	code: "todo",
	fn: "remove"

You can remove storage (drop tablespace, role, user from PostgreSQL):

cd /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin
node remove.js
## Build user interface by Visual Objectum 1. Create class ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/class-create.png) 2. Create class attribute ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/classAttr-create.png) 3. Create card 3.1. Open action layout ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/action-layout.png) 3.2. Open card ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/card-open.png) 3.3. Add field to card ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/card.png) 4. Create view ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/view-create.png) 5. Create query ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/view-query.png) 6. Create layout ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/view-layout.png) 7. Add table to layout ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/olap.png) 8. Create menu ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/menu.png) 9. Create menu item ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/menuItem.png) 10. Create admin account (login: adm) and select administrator menu ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/access.png) 11. Build project ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/project.png) 12. Reload browser page. Login as "adm". You can add, remove and open tasks. ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/todo.png) ## Advanced learning ### Dictionary 1. Create dict "status" ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/dict-create.png) 2. On message "Create standard dictionary (card, view)?" press "Yes". 3. Create menu item for dictionary ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/menuItem-dict.png) 4. Create items ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/dict.png) 5. Create class attribute "status" in "task" ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/task-dict.png) 6. Open action layout and add field ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/dict-field.png) 7. Add column to view query ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/query-dict.png) 8. Build project and reload browser page ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/todo-dict.png) ### Table 1. Create class "comment" with attributes: text, task ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-class.png) 2. Open action "comment.card" layout and add field ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-card.png) 3. Change action "task.create" ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-action.png) 4. Create view "comments" and query for comments ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-query.png) 5. Open action "task.card" layout and convert card to splitter ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-convert.png) 6. Add table for comments ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-olap.png) 7. Add option ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment-option.png) 8. Build project and reload browser page ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/objectum/todo/master/resources/images/comment.png) ### Deployment Add script: ```bash cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin/export.js var $o = require ("/opt/objectum/node/objectum"); $o.db.execute ({ code: "todo", fn: "export", file: "../schema/schema-todo.js", filterClasses: ["task", "comment"] }); ```

Export storage:

cd /opt/objectum/projects/todo/bin
node export.js

Add script:

cat > /opt/objectum/projects/todo_my/bin/import.js
var $o = require ("/opt/objectum/node/objectum");
$o.db.execute ({
	code: "todo_my",
	fn: "import",
	file: "/opt/objectum/projects/todo/schema/schema-todo.js" // parent storage

Import your storage "todo" to new created storage "todo_my":

cd /opt/objectum/projects/todo_my/bin
node import.js

Just export "todo" and import "todo" to "todo_my" for update to new version of storage "todo". Stop platform before import storage.

### Objectum API

startTransaction - start transaction. Only one transaction for one session allowed.
commitTransaction - commit transaction.
rollbackTransaction - rollback transaction.
createObject - create object
getObject - get object
set - set attribute value
sync - save object changes to storage
remove - remove object
execute - execute SQL query (only SELECT)

### Client ```bash storage.startTransaction ("description", function (err) { }); ```
storage.commitTransaction (function (err) {
storage.rollbackTransaction (function (err) {
storage.createObject ("class", function (err, object) {
	var id = object.get ("id");
storage.getObject (id, function (err, object) {
	object.set ("text", "Changed text");
	object.sync (function (err) {
object.remove ();
object.sync (function (err) {
storage.execute ({
	asArray: true,
	select: [
		{"a": "id"}, "id",
		{"a": "name"}, "name",
		{"b": "name"}, "status"
	from: [
		{"a": "task"},
		"left-join", {"b": "spr.status"}, "on", [{"a": "status"}, "=", {"b": "id"}]
	where: [
		{"a": "name"}, "like", "Buy%", "and", {"a": "id"}, "in", [1000, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005].join (".,.").split (".")
	order: [
		{"a": "name"}
}, function (err, recs) {
	_.each (recs, function (rec) {
		console.log (rec.id, rec.name, rec.status);
### Server ```bash storage.startTransaction ({session: session, description: "description"}, function (err) { }); ``` ```bash storage.commitTransaction ({session: session}, function (err) { }); ``` ```bash storage.rollbackTransaction ({session: session}, function (err) { }); ``` ```bash storage.createObject ({session: session, code: "class"}, function (err, object) { var id = object.get ("id"); }); ``` ```bash storage.getObject ({session: session, id: id}, function (err, object) { object.set ("text", "Changed text"); object.sync ({session: session}, function (err) { }); }); ``` ```bash object.remove (); object.sync ({session: session}, function (err) { }); ``` ```bash storage.execute ({session: session, sql: { asArray: true, select: [ {"a": "id"}, "id", {"a": "name"}, "name", {"b": "name"}, "status" ], from: [ {"a": "task"}, "left-join", {"b": "spr.status"}, "on", [{"a": "status"}, "=", {"b": "id"}] ], where: [ {"a": "name"}, "like", "Buy%", "and", {"a": "id"}, "in", [1000, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005].join (".,.").split (".") ], order: [ {"a": "name"} ] }}, function (err, recs) { _.each (recs, function (rec) { console.log (rec.id, rec.name, rec.status); }); }); ``` ### Sync (only client side) ```bash $o.startTransaction ("description"); ``` ```bash $o.commitTransaction (); ``` ```bash $o.rollbackTransaction (); ``` ```bash $o.createObject ("class"); var id = object.get ("id"); ``` ```bash var object = $o.getObject (id); object.set ("text", "Changed text"); object.sync (); ``` ```bash object.remove (); object.sync (); ``` ```bash var recs = $o.execute ({ asArray: true, select: [ {"a": "id"}, "id", {"a": "name"}, "name", {"b": "name"}, "status" ], from: [ {"a": "task"}, "left-join", {"b": "spr.status"}, "on", [{"a": "status"}, "=", {"b": "id"}] ], where: [ {"a": "name"}, "like", "Buy%", "and", {"a": "id"}, "in", [1000, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005].join (".,.").split (".") ], order: [ {"a": "name"} ] }); ``` ### Reports (only client side) ```bash var rows = [{ cells: [{ text: "Cell 1 1", style: "border", rowspan: 2 }, { text: "Cell 1 2", style: "border", colspan: 2 }] }, { startIndex: 2, cells: [{ text: "Cell 2 2", style: "border" }, { text: "Cell 2 3", style: "border" }] }]; var report = new $report.xmlss (); report.sheets = [ new $report.sheet ({ name: "Sheet1", orientation: "landscape", autoFitHeight: true, margins: { left: 15, top: 15, right: 15, bottom: 15 }, columns: [15, 15, 15], rows: rows }) ]; report.preview (); ``` ### Locale You can add another locale file in this folder https://github.com/objectum/objectum-ee/tree/master/www/client/extjs4/locale Change "locale" in projects/todo/index.html ```bash <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"> $o.app.start ({"code": "todo", "name": "To-Do list", "version":"1.0", "locale": "en"}); </script> ``` ### Cluster Install [Redis](https://redis.io/download) Change platform configuration: ```bash module.exports = { "rootDir": "/opt/objectum/node", "projectsDir": "/opt/objectum/projects", "port": 8100, "storages": { "todo": require ("/opt/objectum/projects/todo/config.json") }, "redis": { "enabled": true, "host": "", "port": 6379, "resetCache": true, "db": 1 }, "cluster": { "www": { "port": 8100, "workers": 3 }, "app": { "workers": 3 } } } ``` www-worker - work on cluster.www.port app.worker - work on cluster.www.port ++ (8101, 8102, 8103). Service worker on 8101, not used for user requests.

Change index.js for start in cluster mode:

var objectum = require ("objectum-ee");
objectum.startCluster (require ("./config"));

Cluster architecture: alt tag

### Objectum Firewall Install firewall https://github.com/objectum/objectum-firewall Example for role "Commentator" Can CRUD comments for tasks. Other functions blocked on API level. Create configuration config.js: ```bash ```


Dmitriy Samortsev

Copyright and license