Localized formating for durations.

okres, duration, date, i18n, l10n
npm install okres@3.0.0


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Localized formatting for duration. It's a small subset of the moment functionality to be used on the client.

Modern browsers support localized DateTimeFormat, but localized duration formatting is not part of the standard. This modules takes a subset of moment localization data to fill that gap.


$ npm install --save okres


var okres = require('okres');

okres({ hours: 10, minute: 5 });         // 10 hours 5 minutes
okres({ hours: 10 }, { future: true });  // in 10 hours

var okres_pl = okres('pl');

okres_pl({ day: 3, minute: 0 }, { showZero: true });  // 3 dni 0 minut
okres_pl({ minute: 5 }, { past: true });              // 5 minut temu



returns a formatting function for a specified locale, if locale is not specified built-in English locale is used

The module defining the locale needs to be loaded as well.

require('okres/locale/pl')    // loads a single (in this case Polish) locale
require('okres/locale');      // loads all available locales

okres(duration, options)

returns formatted string representing duration

  • duration - { year, month, day, hour, minute } - if period is not specified it is skipped in a formatted string
  • options.showZero - if truthy format will include 0 amounts, otherwise zero amounts are skipped
  • options.future - set to make format include future indication e.g. 'in 5 hours'
  • options.past - set to make format include past indication e.g. '5 hours ago'


okres locales can be created from moment locales by removing all parts with the exception of relativeTime and - optionally - postformat function.


MIT © Damian Krzeminski