
An OpenUI5 library with a license/registration code input control

openui5, sapui5, ui5, ui5lab, input, license, license code, registration
npm install openui5-licensecode_input@1.0.0



npm NPM

An OpenUI5 library to enter a license code, registration code or ...


This control enables you to split the input of a lengthly structured user input into a number of small chunks.
Often your user has to enter a registration code, license code, security code, ... which consists of a lengthly string with a lot of special characters ($%&-...).
Lets assume the code has 16 characters and looks like this:
It's most likely that the user will fail one or more times and get's in a bad mood even before using your software.
It's much easier to enter the string in 4 chunks of 4 characters:
A§$% - G_() - #Rjy - %6/_

The licensecode_input control helps you with this. You define how many chunks you need and how many characters each chunk contains and the control create the number of inner controls with a corresponding maxlength property.
In the end you (as a developer) ask the control for the value and get the data of the chunks as the lengthly string you need.

Of course there is the sap.m.MaskInput which does something similar. But that control always needs a placeholder character which than can't be part of the license code. In my customer application I needn't a control without this restriction. Btw. my control is a bit more responsive cause it wraps the inner controls into new lines if there is not enough space


You can check out a live demo here:

Demo Screenshot

Project Structure

  • demo - Library's live demo
  • dist - Distribution folder which contains the library ready to use
  • src - Development folder
  • test - Testing framework for the library

Getting started


Install openui5-licensecode_input as an npm module

$ npm install openui5-licensecode_input

Configure manifest.json

Add the library to sap.ui5/dependencies/libs and set its path in sap.ui5/resourceRoots in your manifest.json file, as follows:

  "sap.ui5": {
    "dependencies": {
      "libs": {
        "openui5.licensecode_input": {}
    "resourceRoots": {
      "openui5.licensecode_input": "./FOLDER_WHERE_YOU_PLACED_THE_LIBRARY/openui5/licensecode_input/"

How to use

Add openui5-licensecode to your UI5 view:

<mvc:View controllerName="htammen.demo.openui5.licensecode_input.controller.App" displayBlock="true"
          xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns="sap.m"
            <Page title="{i18n>TITLE}">
                    <VBox class="sapUiMediumMargin">
                        <FormattedText htmlText="{i18n>demo.description}"/>
                        <Label text="Enter a license code with 4 controls. Each control contains 4 chars. So in sum the license code is 16 chars long" class="sapUiLargeMarginTop"/>
                        <HBox alignItems="Center" alignContent="SpaceBetween">
                            <license:LicenseCode id="licenseCode0" 
                                value="{path: '/licenseCode0'}" 
                                valueStateText="Enter a license code with 16 characters">
                            <Label text="LicenseCode Value:" vAlign="Bottom" class="sapUiResponsiveMargin"/>
                            <Text text="{path: '/licenseCode0'}" class="sapUiTinyMarginBeginEnd"/>
                        <Button id="btMessagePopover" icon="sap-icon://message-popup" type="Reject"
                                visible="false" press="onMessagePopoverPress"/>
                        <Button icon="sap-icon://save" text="Save" press="onSave" />

Control Parameters

Name Type Default Description
value string null Value of the control.
valueState sap.ui.core.ValueState None valueState of the controla
valueStateText string null Text to display under the control if validation of value failed
controlCount int 4 Number of inner controls (input fields) to display and use for this control
singleControlLength int 4 Length of each inner control (input field). Means: how many characters are allowed in each input field

Run demo locally

To run the demo application locally after you have cloned the repo to your local computer you should

  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • npm run demo


Helmut Tammen


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details