SVG path builder and minifier

svg, path, builder, minify, minifier
npm install pathinator@0.4.0



SVG path builder and minifier

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npm install pathinator

optimizeSvgPaths(input, [settings]) ⇒ Promise.<(string|Document)>

Optimize all the paths in an svg file. Currently supports the d attribute in the path element and the points attribute in both polygon and polyline elements.

Returns: Promise.<(string|Document)> - Resolves with the optimized svg in the same format provided.

Param Type Description
input string, Document Can be the string content of an svg or a DOM Document.
[settings] object See Path.export. Settings are applied to each path found in the svg.


import { optimizeSvgPaths } from 'pathinator';

const svg = document.querySelector('svg');

optimizeSvgPaths(svg, { compress: true })
    .then((result) => {
        // do something


new Path([path])

Parse, build, and optimize SVG path data.

Param Type Description
[path] string Optional path data to parse.


import { Path } from 'pathinator';

const path = new Path()
    .move(50, 100)
    .line(100, 100)
    .line(200, 200)

path.length ⇒ integer

The total number of commands in this path.

path.import(path) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Import a path string. Removes any previous commands and create a new one.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
path string A valid path data string or polygon string.

path.move(...args) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Add a move command.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
...args * X and y coordinates or a string of X and y coordinates. If the final argument is true then command will be absolute coordinates.

path.line(...args) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Add a line command.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
...args * X and y coordinates or a string of X and y coordinates. If the final argument is true then command will be absolute coordinates.

path.cubic(...args) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Add a quadratic bezier curve command.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
...args * Series of coordinates or a string of coordinates. If the final argument is true then command will be absolute coordinates.

path.quadratic(...args) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Add a quadratic bezier curve command.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
...args * Series of coordinates or a string of coordinates. If the final argument is true then command will be absolute coordinates.

path.arc(...args) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Add an arc command.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
...args * Series of coordinates / values or a string of coordinates / values. If the final argument is true then command will be absolute coordinates.

path.close([...args]) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Add a close command.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Default Description
[...args] boolean false If the argument is true then command will be absolute coordinates.

path.update(index, values) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Update command values at a specific index.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
index integer Index of the command to update.
values string, Array.<number> New values for the command at this index.

path.eachPoint(callback) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Calls callback for each point in the path.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Description
callback function Provides three arguments: the Point, a boolean indicating if the point is a control point, and the command index.

path.transform([settings]) ⇒ object     🔗 Chainable

Transform all commands in path.

Returns: object - Returns this.

Param Type Default Description
[settings] object Optional settings object.
[settings.fractionDigits] integer 3 Round all numbers in path to a specified number of fraction digits.
[settings.scale] number, Point, Array, object Scale the entire path. If a number is provided then x and y are scaled the same. To scale x and y differently provide a Point, an array as [x, y], or an object as { x:, y: }.
[settings.translate] number, Point, Array, object Translate the entire string a specified distance. If a number is provided then x and y are translated the same. To translated x and y differently provide a Point, an array as [x, y], or an object as { x:, y: }.

path.export([settings]) ⇒ Promise.<string>

Export a string of the path. Transforms are only applied to the exported path.

Param Type Default Description
[settings] object Optional settings object.
[settings.coordinates] string "initial" Can be 'absolute' to convert all coordinates to absolute, 'relative' to convert all coordinates to relative, 'auto' to convert coordinates to whichever is the fewest characters, 'initial' (default) to retain the coordinates set on each command.
[settings.compress] boolean false Remove excess whitespace and unnecessary characters.
[settings.combine] boolean true Combine consecutive commands that are redundant.
[settings.fractionDigits] integer 3 Round all numbers in path to a specified number of fraction digits.
[settings.scale] number, Point, Array, object Scale the entire path. If a number is provided then x and y are scaled the same. To scale x and y differently provide a Point, an array as [x, y], or an object as { x:, y: }.
[settings.translate] number, Point, Array, object Translate the entire string a specified distance. If a number is provided then x and y are translated the same. To translated x and y differently provide a Point, an array as [x, y], or an object as { x:, y: }.
[settings.maxCharsPerLine] integer Add newlines at logical breaks in the path to improve readability.
[settings.commandsOnNewLines] boolean false Add a newline between each command.
[settings.toPolygon] boolean false Format the string for use in a polygon element. Sets coordinates to 'absolute'.
[settings.async] boolean false Process each command in a separate Promise.