A budo-based live-reloading standalone viewer for plotly mocks. Advantages:
- refetches mock list on each reload (no need to restart server when mock files move around)
- live reload (devtools server was slow to compile and threw error more often than not as a result when reloading)
- Detailed JSON error messages that propagate to the browser console
🎉 - Deployed to the web using plotly@latest
- Specify CDN version on the command line for quick comparison
$ npm i -g plotly-mock-viewer
From within your local plotly.js directory it functions as a live-reloading dev server:
$ cd /path/to/my/local/plotly.js
$ plotly-mock-viewer
If you want to use a particular CDN version of plotly.js instead, you can provide that as an argument:
$ plotly-mock-viewer -s
Which is equivalent to
$ plotly-mock-viewer -v 1.20.0
You can also load a local mock directly (remote url = todo):
$ plotly-mock-viewer local-mock.json
The full list of command line options is:
Usage: plotly-mock-viewer [plot json] {OPTIONS}
--latest, -l Use plotly.js latest version from CDN
--version, -v Use a specific version of plotly.js from CDN
--remote-mocks, -r Use mocks from master branch
--help, -h Display this message
--mapbox-access-token, -m Specify a mapbox access token
--plotly-src, -s A local or remote plotly src url
--plotly-dir, -p A path to the local plotly directory (by default, looks
upward to the nearest package.json)
--mock-dir, -d A path to the directory containing mocks (by default,
test/image/mocks relative to the plotly directory)
-remote-topojson, -t Use topojson from (by default,
dist/topojson relative to the plotly directory)
--mathjax, -j Load MathJax
--keep-meta, -k Skip metadata-stripping browserify transform to enable
inspection of the plot schema with metadata
is a dev dependency only. So that you can develop the viewer itself, you can start the server using the dev version of plotly.js with:
$ npm start
Includes source of MIT-licensed JavaScript-autoComplete
© 2017 Ricky Reusser. MIT License.