
Bails Jasmine 2 tests fast when a Spec fails. Takes screenshots.

jasmine, protractor, screenshot, test, fail, bail, fast, whale, jasmine2
npm install protractor-jasmine2-fail-whale@1.2.1


Protractor Jasmine 2 Fail Whale

This Jasmine 2 reporter bails (quits the Jasmine/Protractor process) when encountering a failed assert in a Jasmine spec.



Failed: No element found using locator: By.cssSelector("#erroorr")

      \ | /
      - █ -
    █████ O █████
    ██████▄██████  Screenshot saved to:


I wrote this after discovering:

  1. Protractor could no long use jasmineNodeOpts.realtimeFailure = true after upgrading to Jasmine 2.
  2. That the available Jasmine2 screenshot reporters could not write screenshot streams to file after the process had died after the Protractor/Jasmine process was terminated (upon bail).


npm install protractor-jasmine2-fail-whale --save-dev


Normal Usage

  // Require the Reporter (in your onPrepare)
  var failWhale = require('protractor-jasmine2-fail-whale');

  // Add the Fail Whale Reporter
  jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new failWhale({

    // Set to true if you would like to see the stack trace
    showStack: false

Take Screenshots

  // Set the screenshot dir relative to the tests
  var dir = __dirname.split('/');
  dir = dir.join('/') + '/tmp';

  // Fail with error message & screenshot
  var failWhale = require('protractor-jasmine2-fail-whale');
  jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new failWhale({
    showStack: true,
    screenshot: true,
    directory: dir

Keep WebDriver & Browser Window Alive

For example: you may want to run browser queries after test fails. This snippet will exit keeping WebDriver & browser-session alive.

  var failWhale = require('protractor-jasmine2-fail-whale');

  jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new failWhale({

    // Keep WebDriver going
    keepWebDriverAlive: true,

Important Note: This may lead to memory issue. Make sure you clean up after yourself. I use the following to kill my WebDriver sessions:

kill $(ps -fe | grep 'chromedriver\|webdriver' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')