
Rancher icon font

npm install rancher-icons@1.0.0


Rancher Icons

Icons for the legacy Ember UI are in the ember branch of this repository.

Icons used by the Rancher Dashboard UI.

You can preview the icons available here: https://rancher.github.io/icons/

To build the icon font locally, run the following commands:

  • yarn install
  • yarn build

The font files are generated in the 'dist' folder.

You can open the file index.html in the dist folder to view the available icons.

Updating the Icon Font

  1. Add any new SVGs to the svg/ folder
  2. Update the version number in package.json
  3. Update CHANGELOG.md to include the new version number and detail icons added/removed
  4. Commit the changes to this repository

Once merged into the master branch, the GitHub Action will automatically build the icon font and publish it to NPM.

Developing locally

You may want to add icons to the icon set and validate things are working correctly before publishng a new icon font.

You can to this by checking out the Rancher Dashboard UI, building the icon font using yarn build and then use yarn copy [PATH] where [PATH] is the path to your local checkout of the Dashbord repository. The copy script will copy the built font into the node_modules/rancher-icons folder of Dashboard.