
A simple way to add CSS classes to React components.

react, css, style, classname, ui-components, library, reactjs
npm install react-dye@2.2.1


React Dye

A simple way to add CSS classes to React components.

A total rewrite of this library is in progress, it will make version 3 much better

Bundle size Tests Status Coverage Status Rank Version MIT

What is this?

  • This is not a CSS framework!
  • This is not a way to generate CSS by writing JS code!
  • This is a simple function to avoid writing className in JSX.


npm i react-dye
// or
yarn add react-dye

Usage examples

Replacing simple tags with custom components


const MyComponent = () => (
  <div className="container centered">
    <form className="inline-form with-border">
      <input className="large-input rounded" type="text" name="username" />
      <input className="large-input rounded" type="password" name="password" />
      <button className="button primary-button">Sign in</button>


import dye from 'react-dye'

const MyComponent = () => (
      <LargeInput type="text" name="username" />
      <LargeInput type="password" name="password" />
      <PrimaryButton>Sign in</PrimaryButton>

const Container = dye('container centered')
const InlineForm = dye('inline-form with-border', 'form')
const LargeInput = dye('large-input rounded', 'input')
const PrimaryButton = dye('button primary-button', 'button')

Composing CSS classes


const MyComponent = () => (
    <button className="button with-padding with-margin rounded default-button">Cancel</button>
    <button className="button with-padding with-margin rounded primary-button">Confirm</button>


import dye from 'react-dye'

const MyComponent = () => (

const Button = dye('button with-padding with-margin rounded', 'button')
const DefaultButton = dye('default-button', Button)
const PrimaryButton = dye('primary-button', Button)

Dynamic CSS classes


import classnames from 'classnames'

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Button disabled>Disabled</Button>
    <Button beta>Beta Button</Button>

const Button = ({beta, disabled, ...props}) => (
    className={classnames('button with-padding with-margin rounded', {
      'beta-button': beta,
      'disabled-button': disabled,


import classnames from 'classnames'
import dye from 'react-dye'

const MyComponent = () => (
    <Button disabled>Disabled</Button>
    <Button beta>Beta Button</Button>

const Button = dye(
  ({disabled, beta}) =>
    classnames('button with-padding with-margin rounded', {
      'beta-button': beta,
      'disabled-button': disabled,
  'beta' // this prop is not passed to 'button'

API Reference

function dye(cssClasses, [Component, [...styleProps]])

cssClasses: specifies the css classes to use. If it's a function, it will be called with the component's props and should return the css classes.

Component: the component can be a string (like 'input') or a React component. The default value is 'div'.

styleProps: the props which are only used to generate the css classes. They will not be passed to the component.


Feel free to open issues or submit Pull requests :D