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react, state, hooks, stateless, thisless, pure, typescript
npm install react-hookz@1.0.8



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React Global Hookz, a simple global state for React with the Hooks API in less than 1kb written in TypeScript

Table of Contents


npm install react-hookz


Minimal example:


export interface IActions {
  addToCounter: (amount: number) => void;

export interface IState {
  counter: number;

export interface IStore {
  state: IState;
  setState: (state: any) => void;

export const addToCounter = (store: IStore, amount: number) => {
  const counter = store.state.counter + amount;
  store.setState({ counter });

export default { addToCounter };


import React from "react";
import ReactHookz from "react-hookz";
import actions from "../actions";

export interface IState {
  counterA: number;
  counterB: number;
  postcode?: string;

const initialState: IState = {
  counterA: 1,
  counterB: 1,
  postcode: "3991"

const useReactHookz = ReactHookz(React, initialState, actions);

 * Connect allows you to use the React Hookz functionality from a higher ordered component.
 * All properties and state will be avalibale.
 * @param Component Your component
 * @example connect(MyComponent);
 * @see https://github.com/GaryWenneker/react-hookz
export const connect = <P extends object>(
  Component: React.ComponentType<P>
) => {
  return props => {
    let [state, actions] = useReactHookz();
    let _props = { ...props, state, actions };
    return <Component {..._props as P} />;

export default useReactHookz;


Using a HOC
import React from "react";
import { connect } from "../store";

interface Props {
  state: any;
  actions: any;

const Counter: React.FC<Props> = props => {
  const { state, actions } = props;
  return (
    <div className="Counter">
        FC Counter:
      <button type="button" onClick={() => actions.addToCounter(1)}>
        +1 to global

export default connect(Counter);
Using in a Function Component
import React from "react";
import ReactHookz from "react-hookz";
import { renderTime } from "../utils/index";
import Actions, { IState, IActions } from "../actions";

const initialState: IState = {
  counter: 1

const useReactHookz = ReactHookz(React, initialState, Actions);

const Counter: React.FC = () => {
  // using ReactHookz
  const [globalState, globalActions]: [IState, IActions] = useReactHookz();
  return (
    <div className="Counter">
        FC Counter:
      <button type="button" onClick={() => globalActions.addToCounter(1)}>
        +1 to global
      <p>FC Counter {renderTime()}</p>

export default Counter;
