
Simple, easy to use component for pagination with react-router V4. Compatible with bootstrap paginator stylesheets

react, reactjs, pagination, paginator, bootstrap, reload, webpack, babel, react-transform, react-component
npm install react-js-pagination-router@1.0.0


A ReactJS dumb component to render a pagination.

The component comes with no built-in styles. HTML layout compatible with Bootstrap pagination stylesheets.


Install react-js-pagination-router with npm:

$ npm install react-js-pagination-router


Very easy to use. Just provide props with total amount of things that you want to display on the page.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Pagination from "react-js-pagination";

class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      activePage: 15

  handlePageChange(pageNumber) {
    console.log(`active page is ${pageNumber}`);
    this.setState({activePage: pageNumber});

  render() {
    return (

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

## Params

Name | Type | Default | Description
--- | --- | --- | --- |
`totalItemsCount` | Number | | **Required.** Total count of items which you are going to display
`onChange` | Function | | **Required.** Page change handler. Receive pageNumber as arg
`activePage` | Number | `1` | **Required.** Active page
`itemsCountPerPage` | Number | `10` | Count of items per  page
`pageRangeDisplayed` | Number | `5` | Range of pages in paginator, exclude navigation blocks (prev, next, first, last pages)
`prevPageText` | String / ReactElement | `⟨` | Text of prev page navigation button
`firstPageText` | String / ReactElement | `«` | Text of first page navigation button
`lastPageText` | String / ReactElement | `»` | Text of last page navigation button
`nextPageText` | String / ReactElement | `⟩` | Text of next page navigation button
`getPageUrl` | Function | | Generate href attribute for page
`innerClass` | String | `pagination` | Class name of `<ul>` tag
`activeClass` | String | `active` | Class name of active `<li>` tag
`activeLinkClass` | String |  | Class name of active `<a>` tag
`itemClass` | String | | Default class of the `<li>` tag
`itemClassFirst` | String | | Class of the first `<li>` tag
`itemClassPrev` | String | | Class of the previous `<li>` tag
`itemClassNext` | String | | Class of the next `<li>` tag
`itemClassLast` | String | | Class of the last `<li>` tag
`disabledClass` | String | `disabled` | Class name of the first, previous, next and last `<li>` tags when disabled
`hideDisabled` | Boolean | `false` | Hide navigation buttons (prev, next, first, last) if they are disabled.
`hideNavigation` | Boolean | `false` | Hide navigation buttons (prev page, next page)
`hideFirstLastPages` | Boolean | `false` | Hide first/last navigation buttons
`linkClass` | String | | Default class of the `<a>` tag
`linkClassFirst` | String | | Class of the first `<a>` tag
`linkClassPrev` | String | | Class of the previous `<a>` tag
`linkClassNext` | String | | Class of the next `<a>` tag
`linkClassLast` | String | | Class of the last `<a>` tag