
Drawer API built on top of wix react-native-navigation for iOS and Android.

wix, react-native-navigation, navigation, react-native, drawer, side-menu, ios, android, native, typescript, typescript-library
npm install react-native-navigation-drawer-extension@4.0.2


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React Native Navigation Drawer Extension

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React Native Navigation by Wix does not offer an in-built solution for displaying a drawer on iOS. Their current side-menu has limited functionality on both iOS and Android. This is a drawer solution using showOverlay under the hood to display a drawer on iOS and Android.

If you are using React Native Navigation >= 3.0.0 then use version 3.x.x + of this library.


 npm install react-native-navigation-drawer-extension --save


 yarn add react-native-navigation-drawer-extension


You need to register your drawer component with RNN. To do this use the register method and wrap your component in the RNNDrawer HOC.

import { Navigation } from "react-native-navigation";
import { RNNDrawer } from "react-native-navigation-drawer-extension";

// register our drawer component with RNN
Navigation.registerComponent("CustomDrawer", () => RNNDrawer.create(CustomDrawer));

You can then use the drawer by calling a custom method. The showDrawer method will take a single parameter options identical to showOverlay.

import { RNNDrawer } from "react-native-navigation-drawer-extension";

  component: {
    name: "CustomDrawer",
    passProps: {
      animationOpenTime: 300,
      animationCloseTime: 300,
      direction: "left",
      dismissWhenTouchOutside: true,
      fadeOpacity: 0.6,
      drawerScreenWidth: "75%" || 445, // Use relative to screen '%' or absolute
      drawerScreenHeight: "100%" || 700,
      style: { // Styles the drawer container, supports any react-native style
        backgroundColor: "red",
      parentComponentId: props.componentId, // Custom prop, will be available in your custom drawer component props


To navigate from the drawer you must pass the parent componentId and use that to navigate. e.g:

// From drawer component
Navigation.push(parentComponentId, {
  component: {
    name: "CustomScreenFromDrawer",

There's a complete and functional example at the example folder, with more thorough explanation on each method.


The props below are used to configure the drawer and are to be used in RNN passProps:. Any aditional props will be passed to your custom drawer component.

Prop Type Optional Default Description
animationOpenTime float Yes 300 Time in milliseconds to execute the drawer opening animation.
animationCloseTime float Yes 300 Time in milliseconds to execute the drawer closing animation.
direction string Yes left Direction to open the collage, one of: ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"].
dismissWhenTouchOutside bool Yes true Should the drawer be dismissed when a click is registered outside?
fadeOpacity number Yes 0.6 Opacity of the screen outside the drawer.
drawerScreenWidth number/string Yes 80% Width of drawer on portrait orientation. Pass a string containing '%' (e.g. "80%") for setting the width in relation to the screen or a number for absolute width (e.g. 300)
drawerScreenWidthOnLandscape number/string Yes 30% Width of drawer on landscape orientation. Pass a string containing '%' (e.g. "80%") for setting the width in relation to the screen or a number for absolute width (e.g. 300)
drawerScreenHeight number/string Yes 100% Height of drawer. Pass a string containing '%' (e.g. "30%") for setting the height in relation to the screen or a number for absolute height (e.g. 300)
disableDragging boolean Yes false Whether you want to disable dragging of the drawer. Useful if you have ScrollView inside the drawer (addresses #62).
disableSwiping boolean Yes false Whether you want to disable swiping gesture. Use it only in pair with disableDragging.


The library also exposes a component which will allow you to open the drawer by either swiping the left or right gutter of the phone. This is achieved by using event listeners to communicate with the RNNDrawer HOC component. To enable this feature wrap your screen with the SideMenuView component. <SideMenuView> is just an enhanced <View> all props are passed down to <View>.

import { SideMenuView } from "react-native-navigation-drawer-extension";

  style={{ flex: 1 }}
    animationOpenTime: 300,
    animationCloseTime: 300,
    dismissWhenTouchOutside: true,
    fadeOpacity: 0.6,
    drawerScreenWidth: '75%',
    drawerScreenHeight: '100%',
    parentComponentId: props.componentId,
    style: {
      backgroundColor: 'white', 
    layout: {
      componentBackgroundColor: 'transparent',


Prop Type Optional Default Description
style StyleProp Yes The style of the drawer container.
drawerName string No The name of the drawer component.
direction string Yes left The direction to open the drawer, one of: ["left", "right"].
passProps object Yes The values passed to the drawer. See props in RNNDrawer above.
options Options Yes The options to configure properties of the React Native Navigation native screen. Refer to React Native Navigation's options object.
swipeSensitivity number Yes 0.2 The sensitivity of the swipe to invoke each function.
sideMargin number Yes 15 The size of the gutter for both sides.
sideMarginLeft number Yes The size of the gutter for the left side.
sideMarginRight number Yes The size of the gutter for the right side.

Contributors ✨

All Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Daniil Merkulov

πŸ’» πŸ“–

Rodrigo Vieira

πŸ’» πŸ› πŸ“– 🚧

Luke Brandon Farrell

πŸ’» πŸ› πŸ“–


πŸ’» πŸ“–

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!