
react-navigation StackNavigatorHelper as convert screensProps, params to props as React prop style prefer.

react-navigation, react navigation, StackNavigatorHelper, Stack Navigator Helper, react-navigation-helper, react navigationhelper, presentation-style, react-native, react-native-animatable, transitions
npm install react-navigation-helper@0.0.1




react-navigation StackNavigator Helper as convert screensProps, params to props as React prefer component props style.

Why this required?

StackNavigator of react-navigation has initial some headache about where to pass screenProps, params etc. Where react componet does know props only. By Implementation of react-navigation-helper, you can use your react component with / without react-navigation with props style.

As assume your 3 component as MyComponent1, MyComponent2, MyComponent3 expect a props to work. But while using StackNavigator, you have to convert as initial component receives props as props.screenProps, and pushed element will receive props as props.navigation.state.params, which ends up your component independence.

react-navigation-helper makes your life easier to provide you component as everything as props and as StackNavigator way to. And now your component free to worried about only props independently.

Additionally, added some animation types available for screen transition:

  1. push(default): right to left,
  2. pop: left to right,
  3. present: bottom to top,
  4. dismiss: top to bottom,
  5. none: without animation just switching


/// AppNavigation.js
import { StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
import { StackNavigatorHelper } from 'react-navigation-helper';

import { MyComponent1, MyComponent2, MyComponent3, MyComponent4 } from './src';

export default StackNavigatorHelper.exportStackNavigator(
			MyComponent1: { screen: StackNavigatorHelper.setInitParamsToProps(MyComponent1) },
			MyComponent2: { screen: StackNavigatorHelper.paramsToProps(MyComponent2) },
			MyComponent3: { screen: StackNavigatorHelper.paramsToProps(MyComponent3) },
			MyComponent4: { screen: StackNavigatorHelper.paramsToProps(MyComponent4) }
			headerMode: 'none',
			cardStyle: {
				backgroundColor: 'transparent',
				shadowColor: 'transparent'
			transitionConfig: () =>
					MyComponent3: 'present',
					MyComponent4: 'pop'


/// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import AppNavigation from './AppNavigation';

const MyApp = props => <AppNavigation {...props} />;
AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyApp', () => MyApp);