React Simple Table2
A clean, composable, mobile-friendly table library for React
😐 ?
Really? Another React table library Wait! Before you dismiss this one, hear me out.
A lot of React "table" implementations function more or less like a data-grid spreadsheet-like components with several features like editing, reordering rows and columns, in-table filtering, grouping and so much more. Don't get us wrong. This isn't a bad thing. Data grids are feature-rich for the reasons they exist.
However, for a large chunk of apps, a lot of these features aren't required and just add a lot of boilerplate code (and in some-cases even dealing with reducers for state management) to the component's setup. This issue is amplified if a lot of simple tables are needed in these apps.
React Simple Table2 is just that; a table with simple but intuitive cell value rendering. It simplifies React tables without sacrificing customization options.
It also spits out a table with standard HTML semantics: table
, thead
, tbody
, tr
, th
and td
elements which allow you to easily target for
custom styling.
Visit the project website for the full documentation and a CodeSandbox demo.
React Simple Table2 marks React
and StyledComponents
as peer dependencies.
yarn add react styled-components react-simple-table2
import advancedFormat from "dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat";
import djs from "dayjs";
import { randEmail, randFullName, randPastDate } from "@ngneat/falso";
// Generate mock data for our table
const data = Array(20)
.map(() => {
const date = randPastDate();
return {
name: randFullName(),
contact: {
email: randEmail()
dob: {
year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth(),
day: date.getDate()
function App() {
return (
dataKeyFn={item => item?.name || "empty"}
["name", "Name", "name"],
["email", "Email", ""],
<i>Date Of Birth</i>,
item =>
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