Horizontal slider component

React, TypeScript, Staged, slider, slideshow, carousel
npm install react-staged@0.10.1-beta.3



This is a slider component (carousel, slideshow, you name it). Here's the demo.

What's already possible:

  • providing an array of nodes to the <Staged /> component where each entry will be treated as one pageable element.
  • sliding of a single displayed entry with fixed ease-out transition.
  • sliding buttons to slide a single entry
  • infinity sliding (e.g. element n + 1 is the first element)
  • dragging to slide on both touch and desktop devices
  • clicking of the inner slides is possible but automatically prevented when the user is dragging.
  • TypeScript support
  • configurable amounts of entries per slide
  • configurable infinity sliding behaviour
  • overridable SCSS variables to adjust paging arrows
  • configurable transition animation

What's still planned:

  • performance optimization (speaking of bundle size and computational costs)
  • flow support
  • 100% test coverage


import { Staged } from 'react-staged';

const App = () => (

Make sure to important the required styles.

import 'react-staged/dist/assets/staged.scss';

Or directly import it in your own styles.

// optional override some default variables
$staged-arrow-color: #000;
$staged-arrow-stroke-width: 3px;
$staged-arrow-size: 1.5em;
$staged-arrow-bg: #fff;
$staged-arrow-border-radius: 1.5 * $staged-arrow-size;

// and afterwards import this single style
@import '<NODE_MODULES>/react-staged/dist/assets/staged.scss';


The Staged component offers the following configurable props.

Props Type Default Description
children ReactNode[] (at least 2 elements) Those are actually the staged elements to slide.
amount number (optional natural number > 0) 1 The amount of elements you want to display at a time.
hideArrows boolean (optional) false If you want to hide the sliding arrows completely.
autoSlide number (optional natural number > 0) undefined The milliseconds until the sliding automatically.
noDrag boolean (optional) false You can disable the draggable slider.
infinity boolean (optional) depends You can enforce the infinity sliding behaviour.
animation string (optional valid CSS animation string) ease-out You can configure the transition animation yourself. Or disable it by setting animation to "none".

Infinity sliding behaviour

The infinity slider will always show both sliding buttons, since it has no real beginning or end. You can enforce this behaviour by setting infinity to true but in some cases this behavior will automatically apply. E.g. auto-sliding enables the infinity mode to avoid strange animations when reaching the end of the staged elements. But also if your supplied elements count is not dividable by the configured amount without any rest. E.g. having 5 staged elements and displaying twice a time would enable the infinity mode. To overcome this behaviour you should make sure to slice your elements accordingly.