Tools for development browser (dll, lib, app), node (lib, app), isomorphic (lib).

build-tool, build, webpack, module-federation, typescript, javascript, browser, isomorphic, library, node, mono, repository, css, scss, react, postcss, eslint, stylelint, css-loader, style-loader, eslint-loader, ts-loader, stylelint-webpack-plugin, fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin, worker-loader, jest, cli, developer-tools, library-oriented-design, project-structure
npm install rearguard@5.2.52



What is it rearguard

Rearguard is a set of tools for developing client-server applications in which the code base is developed in a mono repository. This doesn't exclude the possibility of working in a familiar way, using separate repositories for the client, server and other libraries. But the way of code organization in the mono repository is considered to be the recommended one.

Rearguard supports the following types of projects: browser (dll, lib, app), node (lib, app), isomorphic (lib, app).

  • First of all, rearguard covers basic needs:

    • development
    • code verification by static analyzers (ESLint, Prettier)
    • testing (Jest)
    • assembly result (application, library, isomorphic library)
  • Second, the rearguard knows a lot about the project and can automatically manage VSCode configurations since VSCode settings are JSON files.

  • In the third case, the rearguard contains templates for the main project settings such as (.eslint.json, .eslintignore, .gitignore, Dockerfile, .dockerignore, nginx.conf, .prettierrc, .prettierignore). The rearguard adds these templates to the project and then uses them as settings for Webpack and other users, thus managing configurations such as .eslint.json. The rearguard allows you to overwrite the settings. If necessary, you can bring the settings to the current default settings, if the rearguard has been updated rearguard refresh --force.

  • The rearguard supports two schemes of code organization known as a mono repository and poly repository.

  • The rearguard also covers a large number of household moments, which eliminates the need to take care of these moments.

The rearguard as a caring parent :-)


  • Typescript
    • ts-loader
    • eslint with eslint-loader
    • ts-loader with ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin no yet implemented
  • React (TSX)
  • CSS
    • SCSS support
    • isomorphic-style-loader ( optional )
    • CSS-Modules for ( css and scss )
    • PostCSS
    • browserslist settings from package.json
    • stylelint no yet implemented
  • Webpack
  • WebpackDevServer
  • DllPlugin and DllReferencePlugin are applied
  • HotModuleReplacementPlugin, CaseSensitivePathsPlugin are applied
  • Enabled chunk optimization
  • All moment library locales are skipped
  • Mono and poly repositories support
  • BundleAnalyzer supported
  • The eslint with access to configuration from the project (rearguard use .eslint.json for eslint-loader)
  • The stylelint with access to configuration from the project (rearguard use .stylelintrc.json for stylelint-loader) no yet implemented
  • Supported testing environment (Jest, Karma), with access to configuration from the project no yet implemented
  • Workbox included no yet implemented


Project Initialization / Refresh

  • rearguard init browser app [ --force ]
  • rearguard init browser dll [ --force ]
  • rearguard init browser lib [ --force ]
  • rearguard init isomorphic [ --force ]
  • rearguard init node lib [ --force ]
  • rearguard init node app [ --force ]
  • rearguard refresh [ --force ] no yet implemented

Develop mode

  • rearguard start [ --release | --debug | --ts_node_dev ]

Build mode

  • rearguard build [ --only_dev | --debug ]

Testing mode

  • rearguard test [ --debug ]


  • rearguard lint [ --fix ]

Group service

  • rearguard group bootstrap [ --only_dev | --debug ]
  • rearguard group clear
  • rearguard group link
  • rearguard group start [ --release | --debug | --ts_node_dev ]
  • rearguard group build [ --only_dev | --debug ]
  • rearguard group lint
  • rearguard group lint-fix
  • rearguard group typecheck
  • rearguard group validate-prettiness
  • rearguard group validate
  • rearguard group make-prettier
  • rearguard group test [ --debug ] no yet implemented
  • rearguard group publish [ --patch | --minor | --major ] no yet implemented
  • rearguard group refresh [ --force ] no yet implemented


Globally, for use in multiple projects.

npm install -g rearguard

Locally, in the project for saves the exact version.

npm install -D rearguard


You can see an example of how to use it in the following projects:

!!! They're not perfect at the moment, but I'll upgrade them to a canonical look as much as I can.

Documentation / Документация