
Requests all pages of paginated data and emits them into a stream or aggregates them into an array.

pagination, page, pages, paging, request, api, follow
npm install request-all-pages@0.2.3


request-all-pages build status

Requests all pages of paginated data and emits them into a stream or aggregates them into an array.

Follows the link headers until it reaches the last page. As an example see github api pagination

var requestAllPages = require('request-all-pages'); 

var requestOpts = {
    uri: ''
  , json: true
  , body: {}
  , headers: { 'user-agent': 'request-all-pages' } 

requestAllPages(requestOpts, { startPage: 1, pagesPer: 100 }, function (err, pages) {
  if (err) return console.error(err);  
  var names = pages
      function (acc, page) {
        acc = acc.concat( (repo) { return; }))
        return acc;
    , []);

  console.log('%s\nTotal: %s', names.join(', '), names.length);
airport, airport-cluster-example, amok-copter, astw, .... 

Default opts

// startPage defaults to 1 and pagesPer defaults to 50
requestAllPages(requestOpts, function (err, pages) {

Streaming Interface

requestAllPages(requestOpts, { startPage: 1, pagesPer: 100 })
  .on('error', console.error) 
    function (data) {
      var page = JSON.parse(data)
        , names = (repo) { return; });
      this.queue(names.join(', '));

Limit option

// aborts immediately if last page > maxPages
    , { pagesPer: 100, limit: { maxPages: 2, abort: true }  }
// gets only the first 2 pages even if there are more
    , { pagesPer: 100, limit: { maxPages: 2, abort: false }  } 

Complete versions of these examples.


npm install request-all-pages 


requestAllPages(requestOpts : Object[, opts: Object, callback : Function]) : Stream

  • requestOpts: options passed to request after the uri was modified to include paging information. The same opts will be used for all paging requests.
  • opts: optional configuration (see example below)

    • startPage: the page to start at (default: 1)
    • perPage: how many pages to ask for per request -- the smaller this number, the more requests have to be made to get all data (default: 50)

    • limit: object with following properties

      • maxPages: the maximum number of pages to fetch
      • abort:
        • if true aborts immediately and returns empty response with aborted: true if last page exceeds maxPages
        • if false it fetches and returns data until maxPages is reached
  • callback: function (err, pages) {..} if supplied, it will be called with an error or an array containing all pages each with the following structure:

response structure

[ { headers      // response headers 
  , statusCode   // response statusCode 
  , body      }, // response body 
  { .. },
  .. ]

empty response

[ { statusCode: xxx
  , body: []
  , headers: { ... }
  , aborted: true } ]

If no callback is supplied, a stream is returned instead which emits data for each page and error if one occurs.