Ability to create room variables for people that use socket.io

socket.io, room, variable, room variables, room variable, room data, roomdata
npm install roomdata@1.1.2


What it does

Ability to create room variables for socket.io.
It was kind of strange to see that there was no room variable solution out of the box.

You can find a demo on how it looks here



Getting Started

1. Start by installing the package:
npm install roomdata
2. Do awesome stuff
var roomdata = require('roomdata');

// When you want a user to join a room
roomdata.joinRoom(socket, "testroom"); // You will have to replace your socket.join with this line

// Creates a room variable called 'gamedata'
roomdata.set(socket, "gamedata", {x:4, y:20});

// Gets the room variable called 'gamedata'
console.log(roomdata.get(socket, "gamedata"));      // Prints: { x: 4, y: 20 }
console.log(roomdata.get(socket, "gamedata").y);    // Prints: 20

// When you want a user to leave a room
roomdata.leaveRoom(socket); // you will have to replace your socket.leave with this line


.joinRoom(socket, roomid)

socket:     Object      // The user socket variable
roomid:     String      // Chosen room name

Joines a room
IMPORTANT: You have to use roomdata.joinRoom instead of socket.join or the module will FAIL


io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    roomdata.joinRoom(socket, "testroom"); // You do not have to create a room before joining it


socket:     Object      // The user socket variable

Leaves a room
IMPORTANT: You have to use roomdata.leaveRoom instead of socket.leave or the module will FAIL


io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    socket.on('disconnect', function() {

.set(socket, name, value)

socket:     Object      // The user socket variable
name:       String      // The name for the variable you want to set
value:      Value       // The variable you want to set

Sets a room variable


io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    roomdata.set(socket, "gamedata", {x:4, y:20}); // Creates a room variable called 'gamedata'
    roomdata.set(socket, "timesdied", 5); // Can also be a number, string, boolean, object etc

.get(socket, name)

socket:     Object      // The user socket variable
name:       String      // The name for the variable you want to get

Gets a room variable


io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    console.log(roomdata.get(socket, "gamedata")); // Prints: { x: 4, y: 20 }
    console.log(roomdata.get(socket, "gamedata").y); // Prints: 20


You can contact me at specamps@gmail.com