This is a simple abstract ui data adapter that will help you separate api data from ui data.
npm install simple-abstract-ui-data-adapter
# or
yarn add simple-abstract-ui-data-adapter
Define your ui interface:
interface CarUiInterface {
id: string;
brand: string;
model: string;
launchDate: Date;
Your api response data for getting a car:
interface GetCarApiResponseData {
id: number;
brand: string;
model: string:
launch_date: string;
Create an ui adapter class that implements this interface and then extend AbstractUiAdapter. It accepts as generic the interface for api response data.
import { AbstractUiAdapter } from 'simple-abstract-ui-data-adapter';
class CarUiAdapter
extends AbstractUiAdapter<GetCarApiResponseData>
implements CarUiInterface
id: string;
brand: string;
model: string;
launchDate: Date;
protected applyAttributes(apiData: GetCarApiResponseData): void { =;
this.brand = apiData.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + apiData.slice(1); // pretend you need brand string capitalized
this.model = apiData.model;
this.launchDate = new Date(apiData.launch_date);
protected applyRuntimeValidations() {
if (Number.isNaN(this.launchDate.getTime())) {
throw new Error('Invalid date string received from api!');
How to use:
const carModel = await CarUiAdapter.create<GetCarApiResponseData, CarUiInterface>(apiData);
Reduce boilerplate using a helper like this:
export class CarUiHelper {
public static async getUiModel(apiData: GetCarApiResponseData): CarUiInterface {
return CarUiAdapter.create<GetCarApiResponseData, CarUiInterface>(apiData);
Simple usage:
const carModel = CarUiHelper.getUiModel(apiData);
Now let's pretend your api structure changed, or you use a new API with a completely different structure. The only place in your app where you will need to make changes is
implementation of method applyAttributes(apiData: GetCarApiResponseData): void
New API interface:
interface GetCarApiResponseData {
id: number;
brandWithModel: string;
launch_date: number;
Required updates:
protected applyAttributes(apiData: GetCarApiResponseData): void { =;
const brandAndModel = apiData.brandWithModel.split(" ");
this.brand = brandAndModel[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + apiData.slice(1);
this.model = brandAndModel[1];
this.launchDate = new Date(apiData.launch_date);