Module provide simple access to REST API of the Starline alarm config and navigation data
Usage sample:
let slAuth = require('starline-wrapper').StarlineAuth;
let slBase = require('starline-wrapper');
async function x() {
//Create authorization
let objAuth = new slAuth(yourAppID, 'yourAppToken', 'yourLogin', 'yourPassword');
//Create main executor
let objBase = new slBase.Starline(objAuth);
//Wait until authorization completes or return error
.then(async (data) => {
//Create beacons list
let objBeac = new slBase.Beacons(objAuth);
//update beacons list
await objBeac.updateList();
.catch((data) => {
! Remember, you must wait until authorization complete before using other methods. If authorization not completed or fails, any other operations rejected and return false.
Documentation StarlineAuth - provide authorization on SLNET server Usage:
new StarlineAuth(
yourAppID, //You can create app using Starline control panel
'yourAppToken', //You can create app using Starline control panel
'yourLogin', //Your login to Starline telematics
'yourPassword', //Your password to Starline telematics
autoRefresh //Optional - if set to true, then new SLNET authorization refreshed every 4 hour, else authorization invalidates after 4 hour
Starline - basic class for accessing Starline state Usage:
new Starline(
authObject // Object created with StarlineAuth
Beacons - class retreave list of all assigned beacons for authorized user Usage:
new Starline(
authObject, // Object created with StarlineAuth
autoUpdate //If set to true, then list updates every 10 minutes
Command - send async command to Starline server List of available commands described in Command array of listed beacons Usage:
new Command(
authObject, // Object created with StarlineAuth
deviceID //ID of the device
command, //Name of the command that need send to Starline server
value, //Most commands required 0 or 1 as value
variables // Object with additional variables passes with command
State - check execution state of the command send by Command object Usage:
new State(
authObject, // Object created with StarlineAuth
deviceID, //ID of the device
commandID //ID of the command returned by Command(...).execute(...) function
Track - get device movements and stays Usage:
new State(
authObject, // Object created with StarlineAuth
deviceID, //ID of the device
timeFrom, //Unix timestamp for begining of interval
timeTo //Unix timestamp for ending of interval (maximum 24 hours between begin and end)
ODB - get device data through CAN-bus it contains fuel goudge volume, odometer data and board computer errors (if supported by installed device) Usage:
new ODB(
authObject, // Object created with StarlineAuth
deviceID, //ID of the device