Elevation API server.

tatry, elevation, srtm, geotiff, api-server, geo
npm install tatry@1.0.7


NPM version Build Status Dependency Status


Fast and simple Elevation API server.


$ npm --global install tatry

tatry requires dataset to work. Please refer to open-elevation project on how to download and prepare the dataset. tatry only works with regular TIFF files, uncompressed with elevation data kept as Int32 pixels.

You can use gdal_translate to convert your data.

# to decompress TIFF
gdal_translate -co "COMPRESS=none" in.tif out.tif

# to convert data to Int16 per pixel
gdal_translate -ot Int16 -strict in.tif out.tif

You may need to split large (>4GB) files into smaller parts since tatry does not support BigTIFF file format.

Data does not have to cover contiguous area. Where tatry finds a point that is represented by multimple tiles it will attempt to use the highest resolution data. Results are automatically interpolated using bilinear interpolation.


The following environment variables can be specified:

  • TATRY_PORT - port on which server listens - defaults to 3080
  • TATRY_DATA_PATH - location of .tif files - defaults to /var/lib/tatry
  • TATRY_WORKERS - number of workers threads - defaults to 2
  • TATRY_CACHE_SIZE - size of the .tif tile cache, the bigger it is the more .tif info will be kept in memory - defaults to 100mb
  • TATRY_BODY_LIMIT - maximum size of JSON body parsed - default to 250kb

tatry will initialize its environment from /etc/default/tatry file



GET /api/v2/lookup?lls=lon_1,lat_1|lon_2,lat_2

Looks up elevation for one or more points. Each point is specified as longitude,latitude pair (think x,y). Points are separated with |.



Result is return as JSON and contains a single results property which is an array of { ll, elevation } tuples.

  "results": [
      "ll": [ -160, 30 ],
      "elevation": 100
      "ll": [ 100, -45 ],
      "elevation": -3.5

POST /api/v2/lookup

Looks up elevation for one or more points. Parameters are sent in JSON body. lls parameter contains an array of longitude,latitude pairs.

  "lls": [
    [ -160, 30 ],
    [ 100, -45 ]

Result is the same as GET request result.


V1 API is compatible with open-elevation API - click for details


Big thank you to João Ricardo Lourenço A.K.A @Jorl17 and @Developer66 for their work on open-elevation project.


MIT © Damian Krzeminski