
Juggling the bits and pieces to run integration tests

test, integration, selenium, webdriver
npm install testium-core@3.0.4


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Testium: Core Build Status

Juggling the bits and pieces to run integration tests.

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npm install --save testium-core


Starting Up

The following boots up phantomjs/selenium, an application and a slim proxy to handle response code normalization etc.:

var initTestium = require('testium-core');
  .then(function(testium) {
    // Use testium.config to set up your integration tests.
    // At the end of it all call `testium.close` to quit all child processes.


This contains all the configuration needed and exposed by testium. The initial data is loaded from config files using rc. It's extended during startup, e.g. by generating proxy.targetUrl. The following settings are important when consuming the config:

  • selenium.serverUrl: The url of the selenium server.
  • proxy.targetUrl: The base url to use when talking to the app.
  • proxy.commandUrl: The url to use when sending meta-requests to the proxy, e.g. marking a new page. This should be rarely used directly.
testium.config.get(path, defaultValue)

Retrieve a config setting using its path, e.g. "app.port". If the setting does not exist and no defaultValue is provided, an error will be thrown.


Returns true if the config has a valid setting at the given path.


Quits all child processes created during startup.

testium.getNewPageUrl(path, options)

Generates a URL that should be loaded to navigate to a new page. The advantage of using this method is that it allows to send custom headers and it properly tracks the headers and status code of the response.


Generates a URL that should be loaded before navigating to any other page. This allows setting cookies before the first proper page load and can work around some confusing errors.