Easily get the bounds of a selection in a textarea or text input element.
textarea-selection-bounds is a simple library that allows you to get the bounds of a selection in a textarea or text input element. It is written in TypeScript and has no dependencies. It is perfect to overlay content on top of a textarea or text input element that should follow the selection.
& left
are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the selection. They are relative to the window (fixed). width
& height
are the dimensions of the selection.
of the element to fixed
and use the top
and left
values from the bounds object.
See the Codepen for a live demo.
✅ Get top, left, width, and height of a selection in a textarea or text input element.
✅ Zero dependencies.
✅ Strongly typed.
pnpm i textarea-selection-bounds
// or
yarn add textarea-selection-bounds
// or
npm i textarea-selection-bounds
import { TextareaSelectionBounds } from "./textarea-selection-bounds";
const textArea = document.querySelector('textarea');
if (textArea) {
const bounds = new TextareaSelectionBounds(textArea);
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Janik Schumacher - @LoaderB0T - linkedin
Project Link: https://github.com/LoaderB0T/textarea-selection-bounds