Watches viewport dimensions in a mobile device compatible way.

javascript, resize, mobile, browser, dimensions, viewport, minimum, size, maximum, mobile-web, viewport-dimensions
npm install viewportwatch@1.0.17



Watches viewport dimensions in a mobile device compatible way.

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The inner height of a mobile browser window might change while performing scroll operations. The address bar causes this odd behavior because the browser displays or hides the address bar as it pleases him. If one or more styles depends on the height of the window, the page starts to appear 'jumpy,' and the user experience goes down the drain.

This library watches the viewport for changes in its dimensions. For mobile devices, it associates the viewport dimensions with the corresponding screen sizes and derives minimum and maximum values. These can be used e.g. to calculate the height of elements and avoid 'jumpy' behavior while scrolling.


Install the viewportwatch module via

npm install viewportwatch --save


yarn add viewportwatch


Retrieve the current viewport dimensions

The dimensions() method allows you to retrieve the current, maximum and minimum dimensions.

import vw from 'viewportwatch';

->  { current: { width, height },
      maximum: { width, height },
      minimum: { width, height }

On mobile devices, the values for current, maximum and minimum will differ. On desktop devices, they are equal by definition.

Handle changes in viewport dimensions

The library emits a resize event on changes in the viewport dimensions. You can install and remove event handler via the methods on, off and once.

import vw from 'viewportwatch';

function onResize(dimensions) {
  ->  dimensions ==
      { current: { width, height },
        maximum: { width, height },
        minimum: { width, height }

vw.on('resize', onResize);   // enable event handler'resize', onResize);  // disable event handler
vw.once('resize', onResize); // enable event handler for the first event only