
Native status bar control

vigour, wrapper, native, plugin, statusbar
npm install vigour-statusbar@2.0.4


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Status bar

Enables dynamic status bar customization.


npm i vigour-statusbar --save

Usage, JavaScript API

The plugin will be used to modify status bar properties.

// plugin on init will expect to receive back the current status bar configuration
// passed as an object, eg: {network: 'wifi', model: 'iPhone 6s'}
var sb = require('vigour-statusbar')

// setting status bar display
sb.display.val = 'top' // or hidden || overlay

// setting status bar background properties
sb.backgorund.color.val = '333'
sb.backgorund.opacity.val = 0.5

// setting status bar text properties
sb.text.color.val = 'ccc'
sb.text.opacity.val = 1

// all properties are obervables as always!
sb.text.color.on('data', () => {
  // text color is changed!

See for more use cases tests

Native bridge API


Calls the callBack passing the current settings of the statusbar in Statusbar properties format.

callback(null, properties) in case of success.

callback(Error('something went wrong')) in case of error.

set(properties, callBack)

Applies the settings in properties in Statusbar properties format. Callback behavior is the same as get:

callback(null, properties) in case of success.

callback(Error('something went wrong')) in case of error.

Statusbar properties

Communication about settings of the statusbar always take the following form (keys can be omitted in case of set)

var properties = {
  display: 'top', // 'hidden', // 'overlay', //
  background: {
    color: 'ffffff', // six character colour code
    opacity: 0.3 // value between 0 and 1
  text: {
    color: 'ffffff', // six character colour code
    opacity: 0.3 // value between 0 and 1

Android bottom Navigation bar

Navigation bar

Android devices sometimes have a bottom bar with navigation options. The native Android plugin allows for control of the navigation bar in the properties object with the following format:

var properties = {
  navigationBar: 'top', // 'hidden'