A rem scale adaptive with breakpoints for Vue.js

vue, adaptive, scale, breakpoints
npm install vue-adaptive@2.0.0



A rem scale adaptive with breakpoints for Vue.js

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Install vue-adaptive from npm: npm i vue-adaptive --save

Or yarn: yarn add vue-adaptive

Then import plugin and use in your main.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import Adaptive from 'vue-adaptive'

Vue.use(Adaptive, config)


Configuration object has two parts:

1. Global configuration

Configuration object has object named 'global' in it. This object contains all global parameters of plugin.

  "global": {
    "rem": 10,
    "throttling": 17,
    "orientationTestCount": 25,
    "orientationChangeTimeout": 1000

rem: Default rem value in case no breakpoint matched. Default: 10.

throttling: Time in milliseconds, changes the frequency of viewport update. May be useful if you don't care about changes step and want to reduce CPU usage. Default: 17 (60fps frame time).

orientationTestCount: Count of checks with identical results meaning orientationchange event is over. Default: 25.

orientationChangeTimeout: Max duration of the orientationchange event. Default: 1000.

2. Devices (breakpoints) configuration

Besides 'global' object configuration object represents a list of breakpoints (or devices)

Device structure is:

<device>: {// Device (and global class) name
    if: <if>,
	element: <selector>,
	rem: <px>
	from: {
		width: <fromWidth>,
		height: <fromHeight>
	to: {
		width: <toWidth>,
		height: <toHeight>
	base: {
		width: <toWidth>,
		height: <toHeight>
	k: <k>

element: String or HTMLElement, contains element selector that will be used for detecting viewport. Default: window.

if: Condition, functions(viewport), viewport contains width and height of element, function affects device type.

rem: Static rem value, overrides k and base.

from: Minimal width and height for setting device.

to: Maximal width and height for setting device.

base: Base width and height for rem calculation.

k: Additional k for rem calculation.

setDevice: Boolean, if true adaptive will set class or no-class and deviceType based on device name.

You also can create many breakpoints for one device by adding name to device, for example:

  "desktop:wide": {
    "rem": 10,
    "from": {
      "width": 1366
  "desktop:thin": {
    "k": 0.75,
    "from": {
      "width": 1008
    "base": {
      "width": 1100
    "to": {
      "width": 1365

In this case both breakpoints will have desktop global class (and $adaptive.is of course), but two various rem calculations.


You can use global classes in your styles:

    background-color: blue
    .mobile &
        background-color: red

Or conditions in vue template:

<div v-show="$adaptive.is.mobile"></div>

You always can see current viewport and rem value in $adaptive inside of your component.

computed = {
	isWidth1600 () {
		return this.$adaptive.width >= 1600

$adaptive has height, width, rem numeric values and is object, containing all device names with boolean value.