
a vue time date range picker

vue, vuejs, range-datetime-picker, date-time-range-picker
npm install vue-time-date-range-picker@2.0.1




A Vue Component to pick a ranged datetime in calendar. Built alongside Vue 3.x . This datepicker utilize moment for translations.

Version matrix

Vue.js version Package version Branch
2.x 1.x version-1
3.x 2.x master


codepen demo : sandbox demo :

Clone the repo and run 'npm install && npm run serve' for local demo


npm i vue-time-date-range-picker


Usage within JS project

import DatePicker, { CalendarDialog } from 'vue-time-date-range-picker/dist/vdprDatePicker'
import 'vue-time-date-range-picker/dist/vdprDatePicker.min.css'

export default {
  components: {

You can use CalendarDialog Component if you want to implement your own input element

Usage from CDN

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <div id="app">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  const app = Vue.createApp({
      components: {
        'datepicker' : vdprDatePicker.default,
        'calendar-dialog' : vdprDatePicker.CalendarDialog

Available props

Below is props that're available in DatePicker Component

** date format refer to moment **

Prop Type Default Description
initial-dates [Date, Date] Initial value for the datepicker
inline Boolean false Use datepicker inline style
language String en Languange
format String DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm Format for display date input
same-date-format Object refer below Format for display date input if start & end date same
disabled-dates Object refer below Disable certain dates
available-dates Object refer below Allow only certain dates
date-input Object Input configuration
show-helper-buttons Boolean Show helper buttons
helper-buttons [ ]Object Custom helper button
calendar-date-input Object refer below Calendar input date configuration
calendar-time-input Object refer below Calendar input time configuration
switch-button-label String Switch Button label
switch-button-initial Boolean Switch Button initial value
apply-button-label String Apply Button Label
reset-button-label String Reset Button Label
is-monday-first Boolean Calendar start from Monday instead of Sunday

Below is props that're available in Calendar Dialog Component

Prop Type Default Description
initial-dates [Date, Date] Initial value for the datepicker
inline Boolean false Use datepicker inline style
language String en Languange
disabled-dates Object refer below Disable certain dates
available-dates Object refer below Allow only certain dates
show-helper-buttons Boolean true Show helper buttons
helper-buttons [ ]Object [ ] Custom helper button
date-input Object Calendar input date configuration
time-input Object Calendar input time configuration
switch-button-label String All Days Switch Button label
switch-button-initial Boolean false Switch Button initial value
apply-button-label String Apply Apply Button Label
reset-button-label String Reset Reset Button Label
is-monday-first Boolean false Calendar start from Monday (default Sunday)

Same Date Format

Below is values that're available for props "same-date-format"

Key Type Default Description
from String DD/MM/YYYY, HH:mm format selected start date
to String HH:mm format selected end date

Date Input

Below is values that're available for props "date-input"

Key Type Default Description
inputClass String|Array|Object class for input element
refName String ref name for input element
name String attribute name
placeholder String attribute placeholder
id String atttibute id
required Boolean attirbute required

Disabled Dates

Below is values that're available for props "disabled-dates"

Key Type Default Description
dates [ ]Date disable dates matching array of Date object
from Date disable dates from this date
to Date disable dates until this date
ranges Object disable dates matching object of date "from" & "to"
custom Function disable dates with function

If accidentially both disabled dates and available dates are provided, disabled dates take priority.

Available Dates

Below is values that're available for props "available-dates"

Key Type Default Description
dates [ ]Date allow dates matching array of Date object
from Date allow dates from this date
to Date allow dates until this date
ranges Object allow dates matching object of date "from" & "to"
custom Function allow dates with function

If accidentially both disabled dates and available dates are provided, disabled dates take priority.

Helper Buttons

Below is values that're available for props "helper-buttons"

Key Type Default Description
name String button name
from String format selected start date
to String format selected end date

C Date Input

Below is values that're available for props "calendar-date-input" or "date-input" for Calendar Dialog component

Key Type Default Description
labelStarts String Starts start date label
labelEnds String Ends ends date label
inputClass String|Array|Object class for input element
format String DD/MM/YYYY date format

C Time Input

Below is values that're available for props "calendar-time-input" or "time-input" for Calendar Dialog component

Key Type Default Description
inputClass String|Array|Object class for input element
readonly Boolean false attribute readonly
step Number 60 step value in minutes


Below is events that're available in DatePicker Component

Event Output Description
date-applied Date, Date Dates is applied to date input. Output start & end date
on-prev-calendar On calendar page previous
on-next-calendar On calendar page next
datepicker-opened Datepicker is opened
datepicker-closed Datepicker is closed
select-date Date, Date A date is selected in calendar. Output start & end date
select-disabled-date Date A disabled date is selected in calendar
on-reset On reset when button reset clicked

Below is events that're available in Calendar Dialog Component

Event Output Description
on-apply Date, Date Dates is applied to date input. Output start & end date
on-prev-calendar On calendar page previous
on-next-calendar On calendar page next
select-date Date, Date A date is selected in calendar. Output start & end date
select-disabled-date Date A disabled date is selected in calendar
on-reset On reset when button reset clicked


** available languages refer to moment **