
A simple compiler for Vue Single File Components

vuejs, compiler, components, minimal, sfc
npm install vuecc@1.0.1


VUE.js Component Compiler

Is a simple compiler for Vue.js Single File Components. I love this framework because of its simplicity. I also love the fact that it only needs a single script tag to start hacking!

I wanted to use SFC, but the only solutions to compile those files was through Babel. I don't want to install 200MB of deps on my laptop. I don't want to use Webpack or Browserify. I don't want to write 500+ SLOC configuration files. I don't need ES6, ES2015, TypeScript, ... I want to be able to read the generated file, and I don't need any optimizations I do not decide to include.

This comment on Reddit is a good explanation of what I wanted to achieve.

Getting started

The tool is really basic and do not support a bunch of things. Styles (scoped or not) will not be copied at this moment.

# install the cli
npm install -g vuecc
# just compile your files to javascript
vuecc component-1.vue component-2.vue > components.js


Simple Vue file foo.vue:

  <div class="container">
    <p class="hello">{{foo.text}}</p>

module.exports = {
  props: ['foo']

Compile to something as simple as this:

Vue.component("foo", {
  template: '<div class="container"><p class="hello">{{foo.text}}</p></div>',
  props: [ "foo" ]