yarn add --dev webpack-better-entries
# or
npm install --save-dev webpack-better-entries
Add this to your webpack config:
import WebpackBetterEntries from 'webpack-better-entries';
// ...
plugins: [
// context is the webpack context option
// you can pass an array of patterns to glob function
// also glob function receives second argument options which currently supports only { cwd: string } option
// using async function
new WebpackBetterEntries(async ({ context, glob }) => {
const entries = {};
entries['app'] = './src/index.ts';
for (const entry of await glob('./src/modules/*/index.+(js|ts)')) {
const [ name ] = entry.split(/[\\\/]/).slice(-2);
entries[name] = {
dependOn: 'app',
import: entry
return entries;
// using async generator
new WebpackBetterEntries(async function *({ context, glob }) {
yield {
name: 'app',
import: './src/index.ts'
for await (const entry of glob('./src/modules/*/index.+(js|ts)')) {
const [ name ] = entry.split(/[\\\/]/).slice(-2);
yield {
dependOn: 'app',
import: entry
// ...