
Node wrapper for WiX Toolset, for compiling MSI setup files using WXS files

msi, wix, setup, windows, installer, node, cli
npm install wixtoolset-compiler@1.0.2



Node wrapper for WiX Toolset, to Creating MSI setup files using WXS files

This is a simple node wrapper of WiX Toolset, and it's inspired by node-innosetup-compiler

OS Support


Works natively on windows

Linux & Mac OS X

Not supported yet.


wixtoolset-compiler <command> <args>

for example, this windows script:

set wix_dir="C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.10\bin"
set src_dir="C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release"

%wix_dir%\heat.exe dir %src_dir% -srd -dr INSTALLDIR -cg MainComponentGroup -out directory.wxs -ke -sfrag -gg -var var.SourceDir -sreg -scom
%wix_dir%\candle.exe -dversion="1.0.0" -dSourceDir="%src_dir%" *.wxs -o output\ -ext WiXUtilExtension
%wix_dir%\light.exe -o output\installer.msi output\*.wixobj -cultures:en-US -ext WixUIExtension.dll -ext WiXUtilExtension

can be replaced with:

wixtoolset-compiler heat --args="dir C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release -srd -dr INSTALLDIR -cg MainComponentGroup -out installer/directory.wxs -ke -sfrag -gg -var var.SourceDir -sreg -scom"
wixtoolset-compiler candle --args="-dversion=1.0.0 -dSourceDir=C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release installer/*.wxs -o C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release\ -ext WiXUtilExtension"
wixtoolset-compiler light --args="-o C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\installer\Setup.msi C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release\*.wixobj -cultures:it-IT -ext WixUIExtension.dll -ext WiXUtilExtension"
Node JS
npm install wixtoolset-compiler

Sample Installer

We also add sample WXS files for generate a full features (basic) installer with also shortcuts on Desktop. These sources are placed inside sample-installer directory and can be used as starting point for your MSI installer. There's also the basic BMP images for Banner and Dialog. These example is based on the great work of auth0 nodejs-msi.

1) Copy the sample-installer directory inside your project and rename it to installer. 2) Edit files inside directory, specifically installer.wxs with your proper configurations.

How to Compile the sample


wixtoolset-compiler heat --args="dir C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release -srd -dr INSTALLDIR -cg MainComponentGroup -out installer/directory.wxs -ke -sfrag -gg -var var.SourceDir -sreg -scom"
wixtoolset-compiler candle --args="-dversion=1.0.0 -dSourceDir=C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release installer/*.wxs -o C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release\ -ext WiXUtilExtension"
wixtoolset-compiler light --args="-o C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\installer\Setup.msi C:\WORKAREA\myproject\build\release\*.wixobj -cultures:it-IT -ext WixUIExtension.dll -ext WiXUtilExtension"


Thanks to WiX Toolset Team for the amazing work on WiX. Thanks also to felicienfrancois for the NodeJS Innosetup compiler.