
Command-line utility for local development with WordPress

wordpress, docker
npm install wordpress-in-docker@0.1.2


WordPress in Docker

This package provides the 'wpd' command-line utility, which automates a few tedious tasks encountered during local development using WordPress using Docker.


  • Easy creation of a local WordPress dev environment using Docker.
  • Serve locally via BrowserSync.
  • Theme development.
  • Export the project & dump the database.


WordPress in Docker is a work-in-progress. The following features are planned:

  • Plugin development.
  • Import existing WordPress

If you have any problems or suggestions, please create an issue!


npm install -g wordpress-in-docker

You need both Docker and Docker-Compose installed on your dev machine.


The famous one command install:

wpd init

Run this in the directory you want to contain your project. You will be prompted to supply a name for your WordPress theme. wpd will pull the required Docker images, and configure them for development. This might take a little while the first time you run it.

Once it is ready, you should see the familiar WordPress installation screen appear in your browser. A directory will have been created in your for your theme, containing the minimal boilerplate. BrowserSync is watching this directory, so changes will be automagically pushed to the browser at localhost:3000.


To continue work an existing project, run

wpd up

to start the Docker containers and BrowserSync. (Note that wpd is not required to run the containers; docker-compose up should work just fine. It will be served from localhost:8000.)

If wish to use WP-CLI, you can get a terminal inside of the WordPress container with wpd shell, where WP_CLI is available to run as wp.


Once you need to host or share the project, wpd lets you conveniently export the WordPress files and database:

wpd export

This will create a database dump in dump.sql, and the WordPress files in wp_export/.

To export just the database, use wpd export -d, and to export just the WordPress files, use wpd export -w.


Usage: wpd [options] [command]

Options Description
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
Commands Description
init [options] Initialise a wordpress-in-docker project.
up Start up an existing wordpress-in-docker setup.
shell Spawn an interactive shell inside the WordPress container.
export [options] Export WordPress files and/or a database dump from the Docker containers to the host machine.


Initialise a wordpress-in-docker project.

Usage: wpd init [options]

Options Description
-t, --theme <name> Create a blank WordPress theme with this name.
-h, --help output usage information


Start up an existing wordpress-in-docker setup.

Usage: wpd up

Options Description
-h, --help output usage information


Export WordPress files and/or a database dump from the Docker containers to the host machine.

Usage: wpd export [options]

Options Description
-d, --database Create a blank WordPress theme with this name.
-w, --wordpress Create a copy of the WordPress directory.
-h, --help output usage information
