Provides utilities and extension methods for work with Span<T> and Memory<T> based code.

.Net, Core, Extensions, Utils, Utilities, Span<T>, Memory<T>
Install-Package AI4E.Utils.Memory -Version 0.2.0-pre19042018



AI4E is short for "Application Infrastructure for the Enterprise". It is a framework to implement medium to large scale enterprise applications with Microsoft's Asp.Net Core stack and well-established techniques and patterns.
It's goal is to provide an out of the box solution for various common use-cases.

The framework can be split into three major areas:

  • A messaging system to allow communication between loosely coupled components
  • The storage abstraction and based on that a zero-configuration system supports domain and model storage in a CQRS like fashion
  • A module system to split the application into multiple small parts, based on the microservices concept

There are supporting and additional areas that extend the functionality. TODO: Describe these or place a link to the respective wiki-page

Project goals

The project main goal is to deliver a high-level framework to easily build and maintain complex business applications in a modern, domain-driven and modular way. There is also the second goal to give advice and support in common situations learned from real-worl projects.

Getting started

The current (pre-)release available via nuget is 0.2.0. Please be aware that this is a prerelease and is not meant for production use.


Currently there is no release, so the goal is to build a stable, manufacturing ready release with the core features only.

Releases and schedule

Release date Release Prerelease
2019-04-09 0.1.0 YES
2019-04-10 0.1.1 YES
2019-04-27 0.1.2 YES
2019-04-29 0.1.3 YES
2019-05-22 0.1.4 YES
2019-07-08 0.2.0 YES
2019 0.3.0 YES
2019 0.4.0 YES
2019 1.0.0 NO