Aspose.Words for .NET is a cross-platform document processing library that allows developers to work with a variety of Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Web, PDF, and image file formats. .NET developers can easily create, open, read, render, edit, convert, merge, split, compare documents. Almost all mainstream document formats are supported, including DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT, PDF, Markdown, HTML, XML, XAML, MOBI, PNG, JPG. We also provide powerful features to generate reports from document templates and data sources.

AZW3, Aspose.Words, BMP, CHM, DOC, DOCM, DOCX, DOT, DOTM, DOTX, EMF, EPS, EPUB, GIF, HTML, JPEG, MARKDOWN, MHTML, MOBI, ODT, OTT, OpenXPS, PCL, PDF, PNG, PostScript, RTF, SVG, TIFF, TXT, WordprocessingML, XAML, XLSX, XML, XPS, compare, convert, create, document, edit, mail, merge, reporting, split, table
Install-Package Aspose.Words -Version 23.10.0