An unofficial, modern, very much work-in-progress client for Alpha Vantage APIs.
The binaries are available as a NuGet package from or via e.g. Visual Studio's NuGet package manager.
- AlphaVantageConfiguration
- AlphaVantageDataProvider
- BaseCompanyDataFullMatch
- BaseCompanyDataPartialMatch
- IAlphaVantageDataProvider
- QueryResponse
Implements and houses configuration parameters to correctly connect to and communicate with Alpha Vantage's services.
Constructs a new AlphaVantageConfiguration using given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerDay | System.String | The max. number of calls per day before API calls become rate limited by Alpha Vantage. |
symbolSearchUrl | System.String | The fully-qualified URL to use to search for symbols, including the API key. However, omit the actual search symbol. |
Constructs a new AlphaVantageConfiguration using given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
maxCallsPerDay | System.Int64 | The max. number of calls per day before API calls become rate limited by Alpha Vantage. |
symbolSearchUrl | System.String | The fully-qualified URL to use to search for symbols, including the API key. However, omit the actual search symbol. |
Constructs a new AlphaVantageConfiguration using all-default settings.
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | System.String | The API key (to be requested via Alpha Vantage's website prior to using this library). |
Gets the maximum number of calls allowed per day.
Gets the fully-qualified URL to use to search for symbols, including the API key. However, omits the actual search symbol.
Implements a data provider that connects to and can call Alpha Vantage APIs.
Constructs a AlphaVantageDataProvider.
Name | Type | Description |
logger | Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger | A ILogger to use for logging. |
httpClientFactory | System.Net.Http.IHttpClientFactory | The IHttpClientFactory to use. |
Gets the AlphaVantageConfiguration this AlphaVantageDataProvider uses to communicate to the APIs.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Inherit from parent.
This method has no parameters.
Implements a base company data DTO that EXACTLY matches a query.
Constructs a new BaseCompanyDataFullMatch.
Name | Type | Description |
currency | System.String | The currency. |
marketClose | System.String | When the market closes. |
marketOpen | System.String | When the market opens. |
name | System.String | The name of the company. |
region | System.String | The region the company is located in. |
symbol | System.String | The company's ticker symbol. |
timeZone | System.String | The timezone. |
type | System.String | The type. |
Gets or sets the currency.
Gets or sets when the market closes.
Gets or sets when the market opens.
Gets or sets the company name.
Gets or sets the region.
Gets or sets the company's symbol.
Gets or sets the timezone.
Gets or sets the type.
Implements a base company data DTO that matches a query either completely, or to a certain extent only.
Gets or sets the currency.
Gets or sets the market close time.
Gets or sets the market open time.
Gets or sets a percentage in which the result is a match in the context of a query.
Gets or sets the company name.
Gets or sets the region.
Gets or sets the symbol.
Gets or sets the time zone.
Gets or sets the type.
Assumes an therefore returns this BaseCompanyDataPartialMatch is a BaseCompanyDataFullMatch.
The BaseCompanyDataFullMatch representation of this BaseCompanyDataPartialMatch.
This method has no parameters.
Gets the MatchScore as a double.
The MatchScore as a double.
This method has no parameters.
Defines a blueprint for a data provider that connects to and can call Alpha Vantage APIs.
Configures this IAlphaVantageDataProvider so that it can successfully communicate with the Alpha Vantage APIs.
Name | Type | Description |
alphaVantageConfiguration | BarbezDotEu.AlphaVantage.AlphaVantageConfiguration | The AlphaVantageConfiguration to configure this IAlphaVantageDataProvider with. |
Configuration is required before any APIs can be called.
Gets base company data for a given symbol that EXACTLY matches a query. Returns, if exists, a BaseCompanyDataFullMatch DTO containing the first result that is a 100% match. Returns NULL when no 100% match exists, or when no results were returned from the API.
The requested BaseCompanyDataFullMatch.
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | System.String | The symbol to return data for. |
retryOnError | System.Boolean | Set to TRUE to retry the request, in case the initial request should prove unsuccessful. |
waitingMinutesBeforeRetry | System.Double | The number of minutes to wait before automatically retrying re-sending the request, if the intention is to retry again upon error. |
Gets base company data DTO that matches a query either completely, or to a certain extent only.
The requested BaseCompanyDataFullMatches.
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | System.String | The symbol to return data for. |
retryOnError | System.Boolean | Set to TRUE to retry the request, in case the initial request should prove unsuccessful. |
waitingMinutesBeforeRetry | System.Double | The number of minutes to wait before automatically retrying re-sending the request, if the intention is to retry again upon error. |
Implements the query response contract as defined by Alpha Vantage.
Gets or sets the set of BaseCompanyDataPartialMatches returned by the API.
Returns, if exists, a BaseCompanyDataFullMatch DTO containing the first result that is a 100% match. Returns NULL when no 100% match exists, or no results are returned.
The BaseCompanyDataFullMatch equivalent of this QueryResponse.
This method has no parameters.