
Scan and register implementation of interface automatically or based on attributes

Bolt.IocScanner, Ioc
Install-Package Bolt.IocScanner -Version 0.1.0-beta1



A utlity library that scan and bind your classes automatically to Ioc

How I use this library?

Add a reference of latest nuget package of Bolt.IocScanner. In your Startup class add following lines

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Now all classes in the same assembly of Startup class will be scanned and automatically bind to servicecollection. For example you create a new class in same project as below:

public interface IBooksProxy
    Task<Book> Get(string id);

public class BooksProxy : IBooksProxy
    public Task<Book> Get(string id)
        // your implementation here

You don't need to open the startup class and add code to register this proxy class to servicecollection. you can readily use this class in your controller or any other dependent classes. For example

public class BooksController : Controller
    private readonly IBooksProxy _proxy;

    public BooksController(IBooksProxy proxy)
        _proxy = proxy;

Can I scan mutiple assemblies?

Yes you can. Here is an example:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.Scan(new []{

How can I bind a class to self without using an inteface?

If a class doesn't implement any interface then the lib doesn't bind it automatically. You have to put AutoBind attribute to bind a class without interface. Then the library bind that class to self with lifecycle instructed in the attribute. See example below:

public class BooksProxy
    public Task<Book> Get(string id)
        // your code here ...

public class BooksController : Controller
    private readonly BooksProxy _proxy;

    public BooksController(BooksProxy proxy)
        _proxy = proxy;

How I can control the lifecycle of the bindings?

By default all bindings use transient lifecycle. If you want different lifecycle then you need decorate your class with an attribute as below and can mention what lifecycle you like the class to bind.

public class BooksProxy


// or if you like to register as singleton

public class ConnectionPool


How I can exclude some classes from automatic binding?

Theres four ways you can do this.

You can decorate the class that you want to exclude using an attribute

public class ThisClassNotBind


you can add the class type as exclude items of scan options as below

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.Scan<Startup>(new IocScannerOptions
        TypesToExclude = new[] { typeof(ThisClassNotBind) }

you can tell in option that only bind when an "AutoBind" attribute provided. In that case any class in assemblies doesn't have "AutoBind" attribute will not be registered in ioc.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.Scan<Startup>(new IocScannerOptions
        SkipWhenAutoBindMissing = true

you can even pass your own logic to exclude any types using a func as below

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.Scan<Startup>(new IocScannerOptions()
        .Exclude(t => t.Name.Equals("Startup")));

Does it bind to all implemented interfaces?

Yes if a class implement more than one interfaces the lib bind the class against all interfaces. In case of Singleton and Scoped lifecycle all interface bind against same instance. For example:

public class Implementation : IProvideName, IProvidePrice

Now if you request for IProvideName and IProvidePrice both case the service provider will return same instance of Implementation throughout the whole life of the application.

Same applies for Scoped lifecycle but in that case the behaviour is true for same scope. For new scope a new instance of Implementation will be provided by service provider.

How can I ask to register using TryAdd instead

Sometimes you want to change the registration of your implementation when you setup Ioc in your test projects. In that case sometimes its easy to achieve if we use TryAdd instead of Add. So yes you can tell to use TryAdd instead of Add when register your implementation as below:

[AutoBind(UseTryAdd = true)]
public class BooksProxy


I have complex setup. how can i define myself

You can define in configureservices method inside startup as you use to do before, other option is write a class that implements IServiceRegistry that the lib will execute those implementation. Benefit of this you are not bound to startup class and you can organize your ioc registration code any folder you want. Help to achieve feature focused development and seperate code by feature. Sample implementation:

public class SampleRegistration : IServiceRegistry
    public void Register(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)