
A web application starter with a Backend for Frontend built with .NET, with an OpenAPI file to define the API layer, along with a UI built with PNPM, React and Vite.

API, ASP.NET, OpenAPI, React, SPA, Web, pnpm
Install-Package DeKreyConsulting.Templates.CompleteDotnetReactSpa -Version 1.0.2


Modern .NET + React with Vite

A modern full React SPA application with .NET Backend for Frontend.


  • Full README
  • MSBuild Tooling
    • Integrate Frontend build
    • Integrate Frontend tests
    • Handle Visual Studio experiencce
    • Integrate Backend code cleanliness
    • Integrate Frontend code cleanliness
  • .NET Server
    • OpenAPI generation
    • SPA service
    • Telemetry
    • Tests
    • .env file support
  • UI
    • PNPM
    • nvmrc
    • Vite
    • Tests
    • Initial shared library
    • OpenAPI generation
  • Docker
  • Code cleanliness
    • Editorconfig
    • dotnet format
    • eslint
    • prettier

Template Features

  • Full README
  • dotnet template definition
  • CI/CD
    • Publish template to NuGet as a package

Infrastructure improvements

These future improvements require other packages/projects to provide more features:

  • Support MSW 2.x to mock API requests more easily.
  • Improved UI test harness in msbuild. While UI tests can fail dotnet test, full capabilities like listing tests, code coverage, and even reporting as a test assembly do not work.

Intentionally excluded features:

  • dotnet user-secrets is not set up by default because the command line to use a secret will add a custom Guid; if it is set up in this template, all projects built from the template would by default share secrets, which would be a security concern on development machines.

Local testing of templates

dotnet new templates can be installed either via packages or folders. To install or uninstall a single template, use the folder path:

# Install
dotnet new install <folder>
# example
dotnet new install template/content/vitereact

# Uninstall
dotnet new uninstall <folder>
# example
dotnet new uninstall template/content/vitereact

This repository packages templates as a nuget package automatically when built. NuGet packages are cached locally per version, so each time you build, you need to specify a unique version to be able to install it. For instance:

dotnet build -p:Version=0.0.1-local.1
# OR
dotnet build -p:VersionSuffix=local.1

# The full file path is output as the last line of the build
dotnet new install artifacts/packages/Debug/DeKreyConsulting.Templates.CompleteDotnetReactSpa.0.0.1-local.1.nupkg

To uninstall a package this way, only the package name is needed:

# Uninstall
dotnet new uninstall DeKreyConsulting.Templates.CompleteDotnetReactSpa