The Del Sole's VSIX library helps generating code snippets for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code, plus it allows creating VSIX packages to share reusable IntelliSense code snippet files for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio Code. We provide integrated Roslyn code analysis for live issue detection as you type

analyzers, extensibility, vsix, snippet, roslyn
Install-Package DelSole.VSIX -Version 1.0.5894.27118



The DelSole.VSIX Library helps generating .vsix packages to share and install reusable code snippets for Visual Studio 2015 and now Visual Studio Code, with integrated Roslyn code analysis, and allows generating IntelliSense code snippet as well as working with .vsi packages.

The library is available for Visual Studio 2015 and can be downloaded from NuGet.


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Check out Code Snippet Studio, an open source application that fully uses the DelSole.VSIX library to produce and share code snippets with .vsix packages.